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Master Of The Universe

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RE: Unpopular Pulp Opinions

lipglossed wrote:
andy wrote:
Sturdy wrote:

I do like Modern Life but it follows the same pattern as most Blur albums - frontloaded with bangers (most of which happen to be the singles) followed by about 3 hours of half-assed mumbling and mucking about, interspersed with the occasional gem. It blows my mind that This Is Hardcore has this reputation of being 'difficult' when Blur pulled this nonsense REPEATEDLY for over a decade, and somehow sold more records!

That's not really an unpopular Pulp opinion, just me mouthing off, sorry.


Early Blur records are uneven. Up to Parklife, which is a close to perfect album. Modern Life has just the worst track selection ever. Pick some bside, swap them and the record is pretty amazing too. 

Then The Great Escape which is hated. (but i love it). Trimm it to 10/11 tracks and its a great record. Blur S/T is perfection and has got some amazing bsides.

13 is the "difficult" one, their Hardcore if you will. 

To me their "worst" record is Think Tank. Its a bit depressing and lacks Coxon's madness. 

But i get your point. Blur records are a bit "out there" so if you "only" enjoy the polished singles, you probably wont like the rest.

I like their non sense, its a very british band. Maybe the most british one for a non british listener. 

-- Edited by andy on Tuesday 20th of June 2023 11:08:12 AM

 Parklife has no need of the interludey bits (Debt Collector, Lot 105) nor of Jubilee, Magic America, Far Out, or Bank Holiday.

The Great Escape, similarly, could lose Top Man, It Could Be You, Dan Abnormal and one of Globe Alone/Entertain Me. End on The Universal, have Yuko & Hiro as a little hidden bonus track, get rid of the actual hidden bonus track. It's funny people swap Country House and Stereotypes, because I think the first is alright but Stereotypes is an embarrassment.

Modern Life - about 9 key songs (For Tomorrow, Advert, Colin Zeal, Chemical World, Sunday Sunday which they nicked from Pulp, Star Shaped, Blue Jeans, Oily Water, Intermission), add Young & Lovely, plus Villa Rosie if you want to, that's the album.

I think the Blur/Pulp analogy is a bit different...

Leisure = Separations - two albums of a 'new' band (though the frontman had been in a few) taking cues from a dying scene (baggy/acid),  a mixed bag but with songs upheld as the birth of something (Sing, My Legendary GF)

Popscene = the Gift singles - evolving to find their own real musical style and starting to get press praise

MLIR = H&H - style-setting albums today upheld as indie classics, featuring a clutch of celebrated singles

Parklife = DC - the Big Hit Album

TGE = TIH - The Pop Dream Sours - they go massive, release arty videos (Universal/Hardcore), it's a bit overblown, very emotionally confused and depressed 

Each band then becomes more experimental (WLL/Blur deciding to be Fake Pavemenr)


Pulp are better, though. Honestly, Pulp are sometimes lacking in confidence in their material, leading to B-sides getting left off the album... Blur, unsurprisingly, have the opposite problem: overconfidence in their 15 track albums.


Well of course Pulp is better, but i have a really soft spot for Blur too. I dont know about song selection, was it their call ? The record label pushed for a lot of content so maybe they didnt have a say. At the beginning of their career, they didn't, up until Modern Life is Rubbish. The "first" version of MLIR is actually most of the bsides, but the label pushed for more commercial tunes. I dont think this is a very good record though, bar a few songs. The "big" Blur for me starts at parklife. 

Graham said recently how exhausting it was to have to come up with albums, and 3 or more tracks for each singles. 

Have you heard the Far Out "real version" ? It was rejected by Damon in favor of the non-sense version that is on the record. Its a great song, only just not the good version. 

Far Out (Electric Version) appears on their box set and its pretty good. There's also the Beagle 2 remix which is good too. 



The Only Way is Down

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Unpopular Pulp Opinions

I like Parklife the album, but I don't think it's got the emotional, lyrical or even musical range of Different Class which is just a smarter pop record.


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Quantum Theorist

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RE: Unpopular Pulp Opinions

Are we in danger of turning this into an "Unpopular Blur Opinions (off-topic)" thread? biggrin

I am probably in a minority but I think that those short instrumentals that are often scattered throughout their albums add absolutely nothing.

I prefer the version of "Far Out" that appeared on the album. I vaguely remember Damon saying it was "too Pink Floyd" or something to be any longer.

What was the original "Modern Life is Rubbish" tracklist?


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RE: Unpopular Pulp Opinions

Eamonn wrote:

I like Parklife the album, but I don't think it's got the emotional, lyrical or even musical range of Different Class which is just a smarter pop record.

 Couldn't agree more.


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Master Of The Universe

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RE: Unpopular Pulp Opinions

lipglossed wrote:
Eamonn wrote:

I like Parklife the album, but I don't think it's got the emotional, lyrical or even musical range of Different Class which is just a smarter pop record.

 Couldn't agree more.



Agreed too. 


Master Of The Universe

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RE: Unpopular Pulp Opinions

Ian wrote:

Are we in danger of turning this into an "Unpopular Blur Opinions (off-topic)" thread? biggrin

I am probably in a minority but I think that those short instrumentals that are often scattered throughout their albums add absolutely nothing.

I prefer the version of "Far Out" that appeared on the album. I vaguely remember Damon saying it was "too Pink Floyd" or something to be any longer.

What was the original "Modern Life is Rubbish" tracklist?



I dont think the original tracklist ever surfaced, but tracks like For Tomorrow and Chemical World were not in the original album. 

Far Out electric version, i just love it. Damon made a big mistake, i stand by it biggrin





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Unpopular Pulp Opinions

I don't think Little Girl is that good.

[ducks for cover]


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RE: Unpopular Pulp Opinions

lipglossed wrote:

I don't think Little Girl is that good.

[ducks for cover]

 [throws rotten tomato] 

Its a lovely little ditty. I suppose i havent really got any unpopular Pulp opinions apart from that i prefer Hardcore, HnH, Intro and Separations to Different Class.


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Unpopular Pulp Opinions

Not a fan of Running The World, for similar reasons to not being a fan of Cocaine Socialism. Just too on the nose and horribly crass with it. I mean, I agreed the fuck out of it but don't love it like most others appear to. I thought it was a bit beneath him.


Quantum Theorist

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RE: Unpopular Pulp Opinions

lipglossed wrote:

I don't think Little Girl is that good.

[ducks for cover]

Me neither, I wasn't a fan of The Troggs' original and Pulp did far better cover versions for French radio.


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Quantum Theorist

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RE: Unpopular Pulp Opinions

joemc5054 wrote:
lipglossed wrote:

I don't think Little Girl is that good.

[ducks for cover]

 [throws rotten tomato] 

Its a lovely little ditty. I suppose i havent really got any unpopular Pulp opinions apart from that i prefer Hardcore, HnH, Intro and Separations to Different Class.

 I dont think that is such an unpopular opinion as I tend to agree.  And prefer We Love Life on the whole.  Different Class is a great LP, but I dont listen to it as much as the other five. 



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Unpopular Pulp Opinions

Different Class has reams of brilliant hits, but the consequence of that is that we've all heard those hits. It isn't as quirky as the band's other 90s releases; it's probably their 'best' album, and it's got I Spy on it of course, but otherwise, I listen to H&H and Hardcore more; those albums have a sort of flavour to them, there's a specificness that I like.


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Quantum Theorist

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Unpopular Pulp Opinions

I vaguely remember someone mentioning that they thought the real Pulp ended at Auto and the last reunion was more like an afterthought. I agreed with this. However, this reunion feels like Pulp are really back with us and on top form. Maybe this is because I couldn't attend any of the previous reunion shows due to personal reasons but there's certainly a different vibe this time. I'm sure.


What is this feeling called live?


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Unpopular Pulp Opinions

I don't particularly care for 59 Lyndhurst Grove - I'd probably take You're a Nightmare, a similar-feeling song, over it.


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Unpopular Pulp Opinions

Seductive Barry is a stupid name for a song, they should've called it Love Scenes or Sex Symbols.


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The Only Way is Down

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Unpopular Pulp Opinions

Yep, it's definitely "clever working title, crap final name".


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RE: Unpopular Pulp Opinions

Eamonn wrote:

Yep, it's definitely "clever working title, crap final name".

 You'd really think that it's one of the things they'd have changed, having had an extra winter to work on the album! One of the quirks of Hardcore you can never quite iron out. It's a bit like having Maxwell's Silver Hammer on there, but if the song were itself really sophisticated and just had a silly name.


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The Only Way is Down

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RE: Unpopular Pulp Opinions

Apropos of Simply Fuss Free's comments in the Should've Been a Single thread....

F.E.E.L.I.N.G.C.A.L.L.E.D.L.O.V.E. is a bit boring, musically underdeveloped with rather trite lyrics that aren't nearly as profound as they wish they were.

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RE: Unpopular Pulp Opinions

Sturdy wrote:

F.E.E.L.I.N.G.C.A.L.L.E.D.L.O.V.E. is a bit boring, musically underdeveloped with rather trite lyrics that aren't nearly as profound as they wish they were.

 Wowzers. Cat among the pigeons there.

TBH, it's very lyrically similar to Something Changed - they're both all "wow, I'm in love - this is a surprise! - wasn't expecting this - fancy that, eh?"

I enjoy the drum riff, and I think it was absolutely incredible in Glasgow, the strings turning it into a monstrous Bittersweet Symphony. I don't think the lyrics think they're particularly profound, and I do really like some of them ("I see flashes of the ... and the... "etc, also "I've got that taste in my mouth again") - but songs where you're spelling out words with letters, it's a little bit cheap.

I must confess, I love and admire FEELING yet there's also a slight feeling that it leaves me cold, it worms its way into my brain but it doesn't satisfy me as much as I think it will when I press play. A bit of empty space, a little cold air drifting around the sonic space. Live it's amazing, on the record I think it's the song that suffers most from Chris Thomas's production. I wonder how it'd be if it were Bullerised.


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The Only Way is Down

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RE: Unpopular Pulp Opinions

I don't agree on Feeling but the "boring" point is, unfortunately valid, at times.

Opinion: Pulp songs are on average too long and it's Jarvis' fault as the habit is also present in his solo career.

The pay-off between anticipation built through (often great) lyrics and the feeling that a song is outstaying its welcome rears its head frequently enough throughout their/his career, for it to be a thing.

They Suffocate At Night, My Legendary Girlfriend, Space, Happy Endings, The Babysitter, I'm A Man, Sylvia, I Love Life, Roadkill, Last Day Of The Miner's Strike....

All of these could do with the edit button and there's probably more, that I've forgotten.

There are plenty of 5+ minute Pulp songs that contain enough musical variety, build-up/release sections but the above (plus the likes of Quantum Theory, Slush, much of Beyond The Pale!) test my patience not to skip the song before the end or put me off playing it in the first place.


I was reminded of this recently when I watched a YouTube video of Jarv Is... playing Legendary Girlfriend at a festival in Bognor Butlins at the start of 2022. Reams of words that are not going to be appreciated/heard properly live; music backing so sparse that the riff used throughout is still not enough to retain interest.

And if I didn't know the song and appreciate how "lucky" it is to hear it live all these years later, I wouldn't blame any casual attendee for nipping off to the bar or the loo while it was being performed. The f@%king song would still be on when they returned!


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Unpopular Pulp Opinions

My Legendary Girlfriend holds my interest all the way through, and Happy Endings breaks up the album well, but otherwise... yeah, I'm perhaps inclined to agree with you. Just a bit too long, sadly.


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Cocaine Socialist

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Unpopular Pulp Opinions

Well Jarvis does love Leonard Cohen, master of the 9 minute ditty!



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RE: Unpopular Pulp Opinions

Can I be really controversial and say that I really like Something Changed, it was a lovely change-of-tack after the previous Different Class singles, and it's no less artistically strong a statement than F.E.E.L.I.N.G.C.A.L.L.E.D.L.O.V.E.?

They got a gentle, subtly string-driven love song with outrageously perfect lyrics into the Top 10, and I know that their stock was high at the time, but it's still a bit of a miracle that the song has had the staying power that it has had. In the top five Pulp songs on streaming (beating out Sorted, Mis-Shapes, Hardcore, Underwear), folk play it at their weddings, it might be mawkish or syrupy for some but Pulp have always had ballads to rival the disco-pop and glam-stomp.

Even Russell - its hater-in-chief - said that when they went back to it in 2011, he liked it a lot more than he remembered. Yes, perhaps releasing F.E.E.LI.N.G. or Mile End would've been a bigger statement, but really that's the fault of the album that followed it, its delays and choice of singles. As a kiss-off to Pulp's imperial era, it's pretty good. Something Changed is a very polished pop song, it has the first solo Mark wrote for Pulp on his own, it has an excellent video, it balances out the other singles.

For me, the question mark hangs over Sorted for E's and Wizz. I guess it's a lost moment in time that I wasn't there for - maybe you had to be there, with rave culture and whatnot - but the song is a bit dated, isn't it? I know it kicked up controversy, and there's no such thing as bad promotion, but then it was a harmful media circus for the bandmembers, what with drug setups and stuff like that. Someone over on the swapping out singles thread suggested that Sorted would've done better on its own, but I'm not so sure. Mis-Shapes is the stronger song.

Anyway, the double A-side was probably the best thing Pulp could've done at the time. But if only they hadn't thrown Underwear away - it and Mis-Shapes as a double-A could've been just the ticket for that #1 spot.


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Common Person

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RE: Unpopular Pulp Opinions

Im not big on Something Changed and I think Bad Cover Version is one of the most clever music videos Ive ever watched


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Deep Fried

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Unpopular Pulp Opinions

'Catcliffe Shakedown' is my favourite song.

Not just from Pulp. Though I think it's their magnum opus, obviously.

There, I said it.

*runs and hides*

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