For sure Ian. I have no idea on the copyright issues concerning an official release, which if memory serves was the original intention of the bouquet of steel people? I guess they own the tape and are legitimately able to sell it? Realistically though, other than the hardcore, who would shell out for this if they couldn't profit from it? How much is it actually worth?
-- Edited by Jason on Friday 22nd of March 2019 08:25:46 AM
I don't know what's going on between you and someone else's wife...
DANGIT that just goes to show you how excited I get over pulp.
But like where did you get this recording then?
And about the actual tape, I think that they have to get Jarviss permission to sell it, they said that he was gunna come in to listen to it but never did
I cant get any girls, No one likes me, I'm a skinny bastard
For sure Ian. I have no idea on the copyright issues concerning an official release, which if memory serves was the original intention of the bouquet of steel people? I guess they own the tape and are legitimately able to sell it? Realistically though, other than the hardcore, who would shell out for this if they couldn't profit from it? How much is it actually worth?
-- Edited by Jason on Friday 22nd of March 2019 08:25:46 AM
I think that it would be a good idea because there have been times in the past where people on this forum have bid against each other (perhaps without knowing) and the price has gone up as a result.
We never did find out what happened to that tape with the Ian Broudie remix of "Lipgloss" on. Unfortunately it only came to light a couple of hours before the end of the auction so we never had time to plan anything.
If this auction happens, I am more than happy to be the bidder and collect payments off people afterwards. Of course, the tape will then be ripped and uploaded in the highest quality possible.
I've been a net recipient from this community for so long & have gained so much from others, it'd be great to have a chance to contribute a little something
Contribution to the costing for this would be the least that I could do. What a fantastic piece of music that was, Sturdy did this get played at your launch party for the book? It sounds familiar, maybe I am getting a bit of "Please Dont Worry" from the melody. Dunno.
Are these two different early live gigs we're discussing - Jason's kind upload from the Limit Apr'82 and the mooted auction recording from the Marples earlier (?) that year?
You wait years for buried Pulp to be dug-up and then out it pours...definitely in to help with the win and thanks Jason.
Edited: Marples instead of Marbles, damn autocorrect!
-- Edited by Eamonn on Saturday 23rd of March 2019 04:06:23 PM
Yep, sorry for the confusion.
This recording the limit club i was going to let out on it's anniversary but decided, what the hell? Let it go now.
And of course the Marples tape hopefully may go to auction.
I don't know what's going on between you and someone else's wife...