someone mentioned that this song fit snugly in the new Jarvis album to enhance its listenability. the only version i've ever had is a radio tape that i transfered to digital format. does anyone have a clean version they'd be willing to share (i've exhausted all my options as far as buying the Alpha single...)
belated thanks james. this is much better than the hissy tape i converted to mp3, complete with the dj stepping on the fade-out with, 'why do women find jarvis cocker attractive? i don't know...'
did jarvis write any of this? i quite like it since i put it in with the jarvis tracklisting (as per Fuss Free's recommendation.) anyone have any information about it?
I remember reading an interview somewhere where Jarvis said he'd been trying to record that song for ages, but the vocals proved to be too difficult. I forget what it was that he said he did, but it seems one day, for one take, he made it happen.
The Alpha version was originally released as a B-side, if I'm not mistaken. But it re-surfaced again last year on an Alpha retrospective compilation called "Properly Chilled".