I dunno, I'm sure after holding out for years without hearing all these vaults confined nuggets we can manage to wait an extra quince días.
As for the reviews, I'm not sure there will be much more. It's just the monthly's that usually bother with re-issue reviews and we've already had full-feature lengths in both this months' Q and Uncut.
Mojo focussed only on Hardcore and didn't say too much, ditto Word (though I think 'Sorted...' is on their monthly free-cd).
The only other meaty musing forthcoming may be the next edition of Record Collector or Hot Press. NME are championing Jarv's solo jaunt so they'll probably do an article on it in a week or three aswell.
Reviews will probably start showing up in magazines in Sept/Oct. Incidentally, I get a weekly new-release email from a site called pauseandplay.com, and they had the reissues still listed for today. Lazy fact-checkers!