Then you're to be commended for your detective skills. It's not really 100 posts, just wary of sharing too much as its a legal grey area. But I envy you hearing After You for the first time. What other stuff have you enjoyed on there?
Yes I feel like quite the computerhacking master and for your question, it is the only thing I have downloaded so far. And working for rewards seems nice, yes!
I thought you wanted cuckoo song most of all. Don't forget to sign the petition at so that those less skilled than yourself can hear these songs. Plus more that haven't been leaked.
Yes, cuckoo song was what I was out for, but I could not find it in the demo version. Is it up on the account? And the petition is something I have already signed. Can't believe how many who has signed the last week!
On the most forums there's a link to get to the latest read message in the topic, but I never was able to figure out how to do that at baritalia. Am I missing something or there's no such feature here?
Is there any chance we could make it a rule for posters to mark off-topic, er, topics as such in the title? There have been several times recently where I've clicked something that I thought would have been Pulp related only to find that it wasn't.
I don't know if this has ever really been a rules kind of place, though.
There's probably a setting I could change somewhere to enable a voluntary "off-topic" icon option for new threads, if I weren't afraid to log into Activeboard and let them know I'm still alive.
Is it just me that the full site link doesn't work for on the mobile version?! I hate using the mobile site but it never let's me switch to full on my iPhone anymore. :(