Co-Op Live is a great venue, despite the farce surrounding its opening. £17 for a double pint of lager, mind.
I have dutifully downloaded my Co-op app as instructed and no sign of any tickets. It did say they wouldn't appear until shortly before the gig, but it isn't filling me with confidence. Is this normal? I suppose it's no different in principle from waiting for tickets to be posted, but you feel like when it's all electronic, it should be available straight away.
Sometimes, the tickets only appear on the day. Dice app only puts QR code up two hours before.
Yep, Twickets has become the chief trusted secondary-market for ticket resales over the last few years, many (most?) artists advise folk to use it.
Twickets is very good for getting cut price tickets. Went to see The Damned at end of last year at Roundhouse for £30. I wouldnt have paid any more. Trying to get a cheap ticket for Futureheads tomorrow in Camden, but people are holding out for full price. Will doubtless change tomorrow afternoon. Sold a few tickets myself at a loss. Swings and roundabouts.