Album release date has been upped to July, new remix of Pharoah, and another Domestic Disco tomorrow!
So, hes been loyally doing one every Saturday since April except 1 night. 2 full hrs of fun each time. Most artists wouldnt do that. Such a freekin sweet thing hes done for all of us. :))))
I wonder did the premature YouTube streaming make a difference. Also, are we still going to get that extra CD of a live Barbican show? Still don't know when that took place as there's no record of it. Must have been a private performance...but then again Jarvis has said more than once that without an audience, playing live is just a soundcheck...
Most likely a logistics thing. Though first initial thought I had was msybe it was due to the album leak, too. But most likely logistics. As I seem to recall seeing some other delayed stuff was getting earlier release, too.
Wonder if its been the case as well for other Rough Trade artists who were delayed?
It sort of makes sense - Here in Australia we are kind of on the 'road to recovery'. Most states are in Stage 2 so life is slowly coming back, we are going back to work onsite, we can go out shopping, we can have people over etc. I'd say by July most countries (maybe not the US?) will be on the way out as well if everyone keeps up their social distancing etiquette.
I'm realllllly looking forward to it. The lockdowns ceasing and also the album.