Five stars?! No fuxking way!! First time in his career (generally a four stars out of five guy) from a music publication perhaps? Maybe DC got one or two but still...I thought this shiz was reserved for the likes of Dua Lippa.
A pity the album won't be available to capitalise on the good press (Mojo also likely to give him a fine write-up based on their feature interview in the current edition).
Sparks have pushed back the physical release of their new album but it will be available digitally in May as planned.
I agree. If its about manufacturing and promotion then yeah..release a digital version at least when it originally was supposed to then the physical later. Months from now seeks rather counterproductive. Releasing digitally with some fun online promoting during these times will be better promotion n help later when releasing physical copies coinciding with the live show .
Yeah this is a weird decision. We are not in that time when you had to be big one week or two to sell your record anymore. People will buy anytime, around a tour or not, when they stumble upon a release, a youtube video, or a facebook post.
Releasing it digitally would not have changed a thing for vinyl pre-sales, which were already good as far as we can tell. I doubt sales are at even Pulp level anyway. He's got his following, who will buy regardless.
Now, i'm waiting for a leak really, i support artists but this is just a stupid corporate decision.
This is my take/ guess, I think its delayed cos it might be seen in bad taste if people are trying to sell their music during this surreal, uncertain time, maybe they don't think its right- frustrating maybe, but Im happy to wait. Other artists might not be bothered and still put stuff out regardless.