I read a article about him and it said jarvis once came to here and answer some questions. But I cant any information expect the articks. Is it true? If it is, where can I can find the post? Thank you.
I certainly don't remember that but Peter Mansell, Steven Havenhand, Alan Smyth and John Nicholls have all posted here. However, I have a vague recollection of the Bar Italia website being mentioned in the sleevenotes for the 2006 album reissues but that was likely someone from Island conducting research rather than the band themselves.
I talked to the author of the article. He said a friend of him told him this years ago. And thanks to the information you folks offered here, i believe this is just fake. Sorry!
I'd be doubtful about him ever posting, but I remember being struck by this article, in the beard question, where he said "When we came to do the shows, a lot of people seemed to think it was very important that I got rid of the beard. There were forum discussions.". He definitely talked about using Pulpwiki for looking up lyrics before the reunion tour, maybe he's looked here too.