Can't find any recordings on YouTube as of yet... Have any of the songs surfaced anywhere else?
This could be why. I have a lot of sympathy with this point of view. In an ideal world, people would find a sensible balance, take a couple of snaps or clips and put their gadgets away for the rest of the evening, but that's never going to happen in reality. It's really fedup-making when there's people waving brightly lit phones in front of your face all the way through. I fully admit I am as keen as anyone to find the YouTube recordings and Twitter pics if someone's taken them anyway. What you really want is a couple of official clips to feast on that don't involve ruining the experience of those that are there. This is becoming an increasingly common request from bands lately I believe.
I was there last night too. I thought he and the band were as good as they were in Brighton but the audience were knobby. Well, the ones I was near anyway. There was one lassie recording a lot of stuff and constantly snapchatting it. I'm too old for that shit.
Nice to see that Candida and Steve there last night
I was there last night too. I thought he and the band were as good as they were in Brighton but the audience were knobby. Well, the ones I was near anyway. There was one lassie recording a lot of stuff and constantly snapchatting it. I'm too old for that shit.
Nice to see that Candida and Steve there last night
About half of the audience at every gig i go dont listen to the artist, or just the hit(s). Very annoying. There used to be a time when going to a gig was an event, something special. Now it's just a very expensive night out. You always got to do something else.
You can understand (if still dislike) that shit at a festival or big venue etc. but at a tiny show which sold out in minutes, you'd imagine diehards like us would make up most of a respectful audience. Maybe the promoters get lots of tickets to give to their family and friends.
Incredible very special gig last night. Looking so fresh faced without the beard and dancing around like half his age. I paid way too much from a tout but it was worth it. He came on with his flies undone then made a joke about it being an "intimate" gig. The new songs sounded great, the backing with harp and drums almost sounded a bit Arab Strap esque. I was near the front - during His n' hers when he was asking what you're frightened of the girl next to me just wooed into the microphone which he interpreted as owls, then the guy next to me said "hummus". There were a lot of signs up saying no videos or photographs which is fair enough, it made for a much better gig, everyone at the front stuck to it except for a girl who pushed her way forward towards the end with a disposable camera! Running the world has become a shiver up your spine anthem. Can't wait for the album and proper tour.
If you didn't come to party then why did you come?
Nick and Jarvis were part of a benefit night for the legal fees of tree-felling protesters in Sheffield a couple of weeks ago too, so from the band it's only Mr Webber who Jarvis hasn't been seen with recent.
Nick and Jarvis were part of a benefit night for the legal fees of tree-felling protesters in Sheffield a couple of weeks ago too, so from the band it's only Mr Webber who Jarvis hasn't been seen with recent.
Thanks all for the reviews. I'd have loved to be there, but the auld farty side of me would have hated the long drive and £100+ ticket & travel cost. Here's a dull but positive review:
I support the 'No filming, no photos' stance, and I hope it keeps spreading. Probably makes little difference in huge venues... actually looks quite bonny in festival crowds, but in intimate venues it's distracting.
Oh my god I can't believe I didn't know about this, I've been so out of the loop lately. Very cross with myself :(
Hopefully he's likely to tour again when the album comes out? DAMN it! First Jarv/Pulp tour I've missed in 17 years. I wonder why I didn't see anything on ticket websites?
On the bright side, at least the positive reviews make me excited for the new music...