Does anyone have a decent copy of the 3 Pulp Black Sessions (1992, 1994 and 1995)? I'm certain I've got these on CDR somewhere but cannot find them. There are bits and pieces on YouTube but they are poor quality
Is it 1992?
I've got them listed as 93,94 and 95. That's probably wrong. I dunno.
Quality wise, this is all I have, so you'll have to let me know if this is now considered "rubbish" quality.
These are the files someone sent me, years and years ago, when I used to run the PulpMania site..
Thanks for uploading, I am just downloading now and once I've had a listen I will let you know what the quality is like compared to the ones I have (or have lost!).
I'm not sure if you have seen this before but I've put some Pulp files onto DropBox here - there might be something that you like
I have just had a quick listen now, they remind me of my copies (and I'm certain "OU" was incomplete on there as well) so it's possible that they are from the same source. According to Pulpwiki, it was 17th November 1992 but it may well have been re-broadcast in 1993 so maybe that's how it has ended up mis-labelled. Again, thanks for these, it is much appreciated and I don't have any problems with the quality, it's certainly better than YouTube
Yes, there were definitely just the three but the fact that they were re-broadcast in different years did have me thinking, at one point, that there were other sessions