Having pondered my initial Heavy Weather hypothesis, he grew it in the first place when he went on that trip to Greenland, but then kept it afterwards, so maybe this move is also weather related after all. It has been the kind of 3-day "phew what a scorcher" heatwave that sends Britain into delirium this week, hottest day since 1976, which was the gold standard of hot summers, that kind of thing. So maybe this will last another decade or so. I don't really like to pass opinions on people's appearance as I tend to feel it's really entirely up to them and there's far too much judgment of such issues screwing up half the world, but if pushed, I do like it, makes him look tons younger, so much so I did even pause to ask myself if it could somehow be an old photo, which clearly doesn't make any sense in the context of the Sunday Service.
We'll use the one thing we've got more of, that's our minds.