I've enjoyed flicking through these. Love the 8-bit thing. Much of an Anamanguchi fan, with their hacked hardware?
Like the graphics too - takes me back to the demo disc that came with the PS1, and the Amiga demo scene before that. Also, coming home after a night out circa '97 and sticking on BB2 or Channel 4. You'd have a couple of hours of obscure electronica accompanied by CGI animation - liquid metal spheres floating over checkerboard backdrops, that kind of thing - and I remember being fascinated at the glimpse into another world. (Have never been able to find any reference to it online, or spoken to anyone else who saw it). Old consumer tech still seems to carry that for me: nosalgia for the lost promise of the future.
Anamanaguchi, Perfume, YMCK, Caravan Palace, Cornelius, Spray, Knower, Dragonette and more are on my current favourites list, lately. I grew up with the best era of Pulp, and drifted off when the slower duller half of TIH started to bore me, then the depressingly uneventful We Love Life failed to keep me interested in the slightest.
Its nice to revisit my Pulp days, though. Im not sure if anyone else is enjoying these, but I am, so that ok :)
Cheers for the link - Mmm indeed! I'm quite fond of Perfume (found them and a few interesting things via the seemingly disbanded ItCameFromJapan podcast), might have to have a dip into the others you mention there. I'm digging your stuff though, keep putting it out...
This one's for Ian. I actually made this track, way way back when he first suggested it, but what with it being a "T" track, it's had to sit on hold, in the background, waiting it's turn.
Wow, that's impressive, I was only joking when I suggested it and never thought it would come to light.
Also, I have been listening to all the others as you have posted them but was going to wait until you have uploaded everything, listen again in one big go and provide comments then.
Not long to go, now, though. U,V,W,X,Y and Z.
At a rate of one-a-week, we'll be finished by new year, then you'll get to listen again in one big festive go :D
A little earlier than usual. Been a hectic week, and trying to catch up, but also posting things slightly in advance in case I don't get any time to do this, tomorrow!