Or just go back to sleep. A lot of things happen in studios, a bit of voice over for a documentary, more kazoo solos for someone we've never heard of ... But this makes is sound like a solid week in Paris. After the year off. And writing lyrics in Rough Trade's office.
"JARVIS COCKER travaille au studio cette semaine #joie #redbullstudios"
I don't know what this tweet from Serafina Steer means, but strikes me as more likely to be another contribution to a bigger project. 20 Golden Greats could mean almost anything.
It's lovely. The Facebook page says it belongs to the person who also does the blog that downloads the shows each week, it's not an official page, so I presume it's just a nice piece of fan art.
We'll use the one thing we've got more of, that's our minds.