I'm afraid so far they are too improper to post! I'll let you know if I think of one that is suitable for public consumption, promise.
Meantime, we need to consider other things such as the mid-journey luncheon adjournment. Should this at a pub or is it cheese and pickle sandwiches with a bit of Henderson's relish chucked in to be eaten en route?
Also, I think I read that both Jarvis and Hawley (and maybe all members of Pulp) like crosswords and quizzes and, even though it sounds quite nerdy, they would probably appreciate some exercising of the grey matter on the way.
If you want that proper tourbus feel, surely it should be Leicester Forest East services. There's an amusing interview with the band somewhere they once did there!
Yes, excellent interview, particularly the bit about finding the tros in the skip.
The thing about Leicester Forest East services is that that they are horrible but sooooo convenient when you're going up north from London. I always end up stopping there and when Jarvgirl and I were musing about a coach trip, they popped into my mind, too.
There is something uniquely tawdry about British motorway services...
Gosh, it does bring December 2012 right back, doesn't it? I remember walking around the outside of the stadium before the concert and hearing the soundcheck. Jarvis's voice sounded so young and strong and the song was so old (I think it was Countdown) that I decided that it was a record not a soundcheck after all, until it stopped and started a few times and I realised it was actually live. It was gobsmacking and eerie because it was like hearing his voice from the 80s skip through time - a sign of how constant and consistently superb Pulp are live.
We we also went to the pub for food but we heard Lipgloss (which im so pleased about since they didn't play it). I can't remember what else they played that we heard.
I can see why/how Jarvis' at times awkwardness at discussing "big" themes in relation to himself might jarr. He's naturally quite introverted and no amount of takes for a film about his group and where they grew-up is likely to change that.
I've not seen the Made of Stone doc that the writer compares 'Pulp' to but it strikes me that they are two very different beasts in style and scope.
More critiques should start flooding-in now that it's had its premiere at SXSW.