I wonder what Jarvis thinks when he sees the (first) Babies video nowadays? Whether he remembers what it felt like being that person he was then and I wonder what the velvet-clad Jarvis of 1992 would make of the 50-year old man he is now?
I bought a negative a while back which is a picture of the band including velvet-clad Jarvis, he's got his hand inside his jacket, like on his chest. It's very nice!
Remember seeing the video on the ITV Chart Show during the Indie Chart section of the show. Didn't particularly impress me on first listen but my subconscious must have loved it as I clearly remember it some 21 (ouch) years later.
It's a head, that's about as much as I figured out. At first I thought it was a shell or something. watch the Babies vid and it's a bit easier to tell.
Oh, and do you reckon Jarvis has kept the suit? Do you think it's hiding in a wardrobe somewhere?!
Maybe the lyrics of Babies are from the perspective of the suit...
I'm pretty much exactly the same age Jarvis was when that Babies video was made. Not sure I can carry-off the velvet jacket and nowt' underneath look though.
Re your wearing the suit that way, Eamonn: the fact is, it shouldn't have worked when Jarvis did it but somehow Jarvis's look is always greater than the sum of its parts. And I haven't so far worked out why that is...
I like how quickly the thread has settled into admiration of Jarvis' fashion sense.
I have to confess, being an adolescent who can almost get away with it, I do often buy clothes that are very distinctly Jarvis-y. I've got two velvet jackets and a pair of brogues cos of him x)
It's true. Good raw material goes a long way. Marilyn Monroe was once photographed wearing a potato sack just to prove the point and, of course, she looked fab.
I've noticed Jarvis seems to carry off virtually any colour, too.