Deep Fried in Kelvin 5 vs The Professional 11
Acrylic Afternoons 11.5 vs Like a Friend 4.5
F.E.E.L.I.N.G.C.A.L.L.E.D.L.O.V.E. 12.5 vs Bar Italia 2.5
This Is Hardcore 16 vs Seductive Barry 0
That's the end of round three - here are the remaining songs, in seeding order (highest to lowest) -
This Is Hardcore Death II Sheffield: Sex City Do You Remember the First Time Lipgloss Acrylic Afternoons Countdown Babies Common People F.E.E.L.I.N.G.C.A.L.L.E.D.L.O.V.E. Don't You Want Me Anymore She's a Lady Pink Glove His 'n' Hers I Spy Seconds The Birds in Your Garden Wickerman Styloroc (Nites of Suburbia) The Professional My Legendary Girlfriend After You Bad Cover Version
Since there are 23 songs here, the highest seed (This Is Hardcore) will have an automatic pass to round 5.
The remaining 11 pairings will take part in round four, starting in a week or so.
That list would make a pretty amazing set list for a gig. However, there is one anomaly in there in the form of Styloroc. How did that make it this far? If that song was replaced by O.U. it would be even better.
There were levels to start with (7 points for imperial phase single, 6 points for other single, 5 points for imperial phase album track...) - and each round I've been adding points based on their score. So, for example with this match
Deep Fried in Kelvin 5 vs The Professional 11
The Professional gets 6 more points, because 11-5 = 6.
The lack of TIH material is disappointing. Would have thought The Fear and Dirty World shoe-ins, maybe Party Hard and Cocaine Socialism too. They must have had tricky ties away from home.