This clip is from a mini-festival that my band played the other day. I've had about three people now say that this song wouldn't sound out of place on a Pulp album, so thought maybe it would be worth showing to the experts! :)
It was a lovely big stage to play on with a fantastic PA system, but sadly a chilly, windy and rainy day which drove alot of the crowds into the sanctity of the beer tent while we were on! There were a lot more people there than are visible in the video though (honest!).
We are playing a show at "The Comedy Pub" near Piccadilly Circus next Friday (30th August) if anyone fancies coming down to see us? We need as many folk as possible through the door to say they are there for "DOGSTAND" as it will help us get rebooked in bigger venues! Only a fiver (with a flyer!).
I'm the keyboard player...and I'm sure you will find that Candida Doyle's influence is more than apparent! ;)
Sorry Leo, was meeting a friend at ten and saw that you were busy with some female followers so I shot off.
I only got there for the last five songs or so but I was really impressed. ''Dorando'' should be on the 6 Music Playlist - fire off a link to Lamacq or Riley! Instantly infectious song. And ''Freud'' sounded much better than in that youtube clip.
Just really strong uptempo, intelligent pop. Great musicians (you seemed a fair bit younger and er, more svelte than the rest of them though!) and your synth and stylophone(!) playing really added to the sound. I see you're playing next the end of Sep. Will try see it from the start if possible, and get a pint with you after.
Enjoyed both songs there. Bit of a mid-period Suede feel to the first one I thought. And after hearing the second it was no surprise to see a reference to Cardiacs on your Twitter!
Just one thing though...
LeoVK wrote:We need as many folk as possible through the door to say they are there for "DOGSTAND" as it will help us get rebooked in bigger venues!
Don't play for promoters who try and make you buy into this sort of shit.
"Yes I saw her in the chip shop / so I said get yer top off"
Hi Sturdy. Don't worry. We never go for those "pay to play" promoters or anything like that. We will only take a gig with that kind of stipulation if we really want to do it and are sure we can easily exceed the requested amount. Not being left out of pocket or 'owt. :) We generally favour playing established nights where people actually go to hear new music.