Also, if you are not aware of them already, both and are two of the finest fan-sites you are likely to come across of any artist.
I assume you're after personal photos rather than press pics but worth investigating both sites for research if you haven't already!
Back to Orlando's request - ArrGee and Saw are the lucky veterans of Pulp gig attending from the Intro days through the rest of 90's; maybe you guys brought your Kodak DC20's into the Leadmill or Astoria?
Jason's still around but as for me, I would have never entertained the idea of carrying a camera around in the early/mid 90's. Makes you realise just how different things are these days.
The only photograph i have is of myself & Candida at Sheffield sound city at the Leadmill. Similarly to SAW i never really concidered taking any pictures (wish i had) but i did record a couple of the shows. I was also the lucky winner of the OU tour competition.
Nope. The only mid '90s show I actually saw was the Heineken Festival, and there really would have been no point trying to take a photo from the middle of the throng there! I did have a go at the '97 Barbican gig but again I was right at the back so the photos that came out were just indistinct murky blurs.
"Yes I saw her in the chip shop / so I said get yer top off"