Just browsing the Pulp Facebook page and I saw the below post from a few weeks ago. Come on Fran, you're usually on the ball with the latest news! Looks like the film/docu aspect of the the production is still being pored-over and judging from the email address below, it could be next year before we see it. I wonder if it'll get a couple of theatrical releases.
Maybe they're recreating the Different Class sleeve. If any Bar Italia people are getting hitched oop'north this summer, this could be your dream come true!
Desperately seeking Sheffield wedding for Pulp concert documentary.
Hello there.
We are looking for a wedding in the Sheffield area and very near future to film and potentially include in the upcoming Pulp film. The documentary includes Sheffield life and the Arena concert last December. It can be a Church wedding or an outdoor ceremony. Please contact us on pulp2014@gmail.com if you are interested and have a wedding coming up in the Sheffield area in the near future. Many Thanks, Emily
Facebook is a complete mystery to me, I think I am freaked out by all that social interaction. I am sad enough to try following things on Twitter, but I don't have my own Twitter account either, I use Google Reader to find things, but that is dying at the end of June and I haven't done anything about finding a replacement. Everything these days seems configured with giant pictures and even more giant text with about 2 items per page, for people with smartphones and social inclinations. Even the new Evening Post site is like that now, you used to just get a page full of text with all the headlines to browse, now it's all pictures of football hooligans and adverts that start talking at you without even asking. Getting a nice concise, non-interactive summary of information doesn't seem to be a requirement these days. Call me a geek (I might even pay you to!).
Penance for today - DJing photo from some do in Venice.
Funnily enough, at the Owen Hatherley talk in Sheffield the other week, there were people filming, but I just assumed they were Sheffield students filming for a project - it didn't occur that it was anything to do with the gig DVD seeing as it was so long ago, I thought it would be being released in the not-too-distant future.
They asked people who were happy to be interviewed to stay behind but I was going out later so had to get away as soon as it finished. I don't know if many people did. They also said they were hoping to film people who stayed behind in a mass singalong of Sheffield: Sex City, which I thought was a bit ambitious! (the audience seemed to be a real mix, quite a few academics I reckon, rather than music/Pulp fans in particular). If the DVD is still being worked on then maybe that's who they were - I just assumed they were students from one of the universities and maybe they were - guess I'd have probably asked if I'd stopped back and found out one way or another, but hey ho. (there was nothing else to remark on about the talk - it was more of less what he says in his book, plus a few tracks on YouTube projected on to a big screen)
I'm actually getting married soon and have joked about recreating the DC sleeve for the stationery - it's not in Sheffield, unfortunately! Though hoping to get a few decent Pulp tracks in the playlist.
May be clutching at straws here but as well as the DVD I wonder if perhaps there will be more Pulp activity in 2014, considering the email address? New album?
I don't think we're necessarily talking about a DVD here - I have it on good authority that a feature length documentary is being worked on for TV release in late 2013.
"Yes I saw her in the chip shop / so I said get yer top off"
I hope it contains interviews with all the band members. A televisual equivalent of the 1998 BBC docu on the story of the band from the start would be great.
I have a friend who knows the director, the whole band including Russell (yay) have been interviewed separately including others such as Anthony Genn apparently. Jarvis has put loads of artistic direction in it etc, hopefully out in 2 months.
if it is a DVD do you think they'll release it for regions besides Europe. I think they would considering they have fans all over the globe. Otherwise I suppose I'll have to go out and buy a multi-region DVD player. I'm really looking forward to seeing this.
The trees, those useless trees, produce the air that I am breathing
if it is a DVD do you think they'll release it for regions besides Europe. I think they would considering they have fans all over the globe. Otherwise I suppose I'll have to go out and buy a multi-region DVD player. I'm really looking forward to seeing this.
I have never seen the point of regionalising DVDs, but presumably they need to have enough confidence in sales to make different versions. However, I googled the model namel of my machine and "multiregion" and found that it has a simple hack to the firmware by just going into one of its normal menus and typing a random number, then a region menu comes up and you can choose multiregion. The manufacturers presumbly don't want to have to make different models of machine for different markets.
On another subject, reading some of the articles about The Big Melt at Doc/Fest, as it is made in conjunction with BBC 4's Storyville programme, does that mean it will be on the telly at some point?
We'll use the one thing we've got more of, that's our minds.
Maybe it will be similar to the British Sea Power soundtracked 'From The Sea To The Land Beyond'. It's interesting to note that BSP will also be providing their score live to the film at DocFest as well.
The film is at the editing stage apparently. Tried to give them a steer towards including footage from The Day That Never Happened but was probably too late.
Anyone on here contribute to the fans perspective they were meant to be including?
It seems as though 'Altitude Film Entertainment' is a film production company and the slate is a chart. Espionage Thriller is a film by Altitude Film Entertainment which came first in the list (topped the chart). The Pulp film came third.
-- Edited by Jazza on Sunday 3rd of November 2013 05:16:20 PM