It's terribly sad to read this. Everyone has been so kind in sharing their wares - via the account, and file-sharing before all that ended, and ongoing projects like Stephen's portfolio - it seems so mean spirited just to take advantage like this. Fcuking hell, what's a community for? Personally, I have received far more than I have been able to give via this site, but have always at least tried to make my thanks clear when partaking thereof. And some of the very, very best Pulp I've heard has come from such encounters.
Talk about looking a gift-horse in the mouth... Why then punch it in the mouth, pump it full of bute and mince it into dinner?
Thank you Stephen, i'm in the right place. I joined a Morrissey forum in a fit of stupidy but quickly realised i had no knowledge of the subject or any real fondness for his music or him. In any case, pulp people are beautiful and i missed being home. Thank you.
Anybody got any tissues? *sniff* I think I've got something in my eye *sniff*
-- Edited by Jarvgirl on Tuesday 14th of May 2013 11:52:27 AM
I think it would have been massively churlish of me to complain if it had taken months or even years to return my discs Stephen. I would have rather just sent you the discs for keeps but just don't have the equipment to copy stuff. I have never hesitated sending any items to anyone. with absolutely no cash changing hands unless thats what we agree. And i will continue to do this, but this guy has just wound me up. And now of course we have heard a few stories of a similar scenario. I can't imagine that he would attempt to trade/sell/ swap anything on this forum again..but, who knows? And Jarvgirl, don't cry, save your tear's for when the kissing stops...
-- Edited by DEF2 on Tuesday 14th of May 2013 03:13:57 PM
Thank you Stephen, i'm in the right place. I joined a Morrissey forum in a fit of stupidy but quickly realised i had no knowledge of the subject or any real fondness for his music or him. In any case, pulp people are beautiful and i missed being home. Thank you.
Now I know who you are, I thought it worth stating that this shows me the enormity of how much you must have been screwed over. You sent me some seriously rare stuff - original tapes included - a while back. Even though it took me well over a month (during which time you moved house!) to get them back to you, you never once complained or asked where they were. The fact that you've been driven to this suggests you've really been screwed over as you were ever so patient with me!
The chap in question is on Facebook btw, should you wish to try and badger him there...
To (somewhat) offer a counter to potential (though entirely understandable, all being what it is) negative vibes here, I've done one "trade", and my trade went amazingly. The chap in question even posted the stuff the night we discussed it on MSN, before I had even sent anything to him. I received it the next day and crapped myself thinking "Oh God, I haven't even sent anything! He'll think I'm a scammer!"
To be clear, I had nothing to trade myself, so I offered cash. The person I traded with had received it in confidence I guess, and in chatting I had to make him an offer he couldn't refuse!
I've long since really, really wanted to share the tracks, but that would be betraying the confidence of the thoroughly good chap I got them from. It really kinda tore me apart at times, but they were ultimately shared anyhow, so I skipped that moral dilemma by furious inaction.
Side note: I was forced to change my name (here) once. Was a long, long time ago.
Brother posted something twatty, under my old name (He'd do this all the time, not here, but generally be a cunt to his geeky younger brother). I didn't want to go down the whole "It wasn't me, sorry!" as that crap doesn't wash and is always unbelievable, and I'd (I guess) be cynical towards anyone claiming that, so I scrapped Fillip (who I was) and used my real name.
(I know I use brackets too much)
-- Edited by Ste on Wednesday 15th of May 2013 01:03:36 AM
I noticed Fred deleted his account - very bizarre since he used to post so much. Anything to do with the weed incident perhaps? (sounds like some sort of drug scandal when I put it like that)
I'm not a victim, but this is exactly why I shared the stuff I had last year... I dislike the hoarder mentality that makes people want to keep things to themself - I also dislike people who charge for material that isn't theirs - I have encountered Scott Frazer and know that he has charged for demos/gigs in the past always felt like he was using it as a bit of a power trip - not sure if he still does.
For me, the more we share things, the more we all benefit as it encourages others to join in too.
On that note DEF2 - I have a huge list of live gigs and whatnot - from looking you up I suspect you have way more material than me as it is, but if you're after anything in particular, give me a shout.
Interested to know what Scott was offering to trade for cash actually! Was it genuinely rare stuff, or stuff that's likely to come out at some point anyway?
I doubt he has anything of interest. To my knowledge he's had the following, none of which I think is particularly rare these days:
I Scrubbed the Crabs that Killed Sheffield Ping Pong Jerry demo Hallamshire '85 OU sessions (4 tracks - Babies demo, OU rough mix, Live On, Space) The Boss / Watching Nicky / Happy Endings demos 'Coca Coca Planet Live' 1994 live promo A few tracks from the 1999 demo incl Cuckoo, Quiet Rev and some others
The only thing that can possibly be said in his defence is that he paid a lot of money to get the OU demo from a commercial dealer, which is why I was prepared (about 11 years ago) to give him some of the other items on the above list in return for it and honour his request not to copy it for anyone else.
You might remember I clashed with him on here in the distant past. His persistence did mean that he got hold of some quite obscure things (OU tape, Coca Cola Planet Live, 1999 tracks) which might not have made it into circulation otherwise, but the way he tended to treat recordings as currency, forever wheeler-dealing to try and get more stuff out of people (and always for himself, certainly not with any thought towards sharing it with the wider community as Stephen, Will and Jason have), always rankled with me.
"Yes I saw her in the chip shop / so I said get yer top off"
None of it was particularly rare, largely live stuff as well as the usual demos etc...Which are already widely circulated as far as i have seen. i think between us all we probably have pretty much everything that is available. Anyways, he probably collected all his material from all of you some time down the line? Blueowl, thank you for the offer of swaps and everyone else that has also offered. massive appreciation. I am currently putting a list of my collection together for anyone to view and then you can pick and choose at will. And we can come to some arrangement if anyone is interested in this? regards. Jason.
This is why I like coming to this forum. Everyone has always been really welcoming to new people and not snobby about rare stuff they find (which is a rarity on other forums, like you need to be in an even MORE elite club than the band's forum to share rarer stuff). I've heard a lot of rare stuff from people on here and Stephen's portfolios that I never would have heard otherwise and you take a shitty event like this and turn it around. And the few arguments that have broken out on this website have generally always been resolved fairly quickly and maturely. It's really nice and it's what keeps me coming back and checking the pages every day.
The trees, those useless trees, produce the air that I am breathing
This is why I like coming to this forum. Everyone has always been really welcoming to new people and not snobby about rare stuff they find (which is a rarity on other forums, like you need to be in an even MORE elite club than the band's forum to share rarer stuff). I've heard a lot of rare stuff from people on here and Stephen's portfolios that I never would have heard otherwise and you take a shitty event like this and turn it around. And the few arguments that have broken out on this website have generally always been resolved fairly quickly and maturely. It's really nice and it's what keeps me coming back and checking the pages every day.
This is why I like coming to this forum. Everyone has always been really welcoming to new people and not snobby about rare stuff they find (which is a rarity on other forums, like you need to be in an even MORE elite club than the band's forum to share rarer stuff). I've heard a lot of rare stuff from people on here and Stephen's portfolios that I never would have heard otherwise and you take a shitty event like this and turn it around. And the few arguments that have broken out on this website have generally always been resolved fairly quickly and maturely. It's really nice and it's what keeps me coming back and checking the pages every day.
Bullshit, i have more bootlegs than you, therefore im better then you.
In 2006 I bought like for 100 pounds of rare Pulp stuff from this Scott Frazer. I didn't receive anything. He promised to send copies, but these didn't arrive either. After that, no more replies on my emails. Then I posted here to get in contact with him. My post was quickly deleted unfortunately, it could have saved you guys from this fraud. It's sad to see he is still capable of doing this 7 years on. Be warned.