"This song broke my heart for many reasons. One, because I listened to it and it broke my heart as a song. It also broke my heart because I wanted to instantly aspire to be as good as it. I may have got somewhere near it but it's a song that made me want to be a solo artist in many ways and try and be good at it."
(Just after chatting to his wife about taking heroin with Elastica and how their pet dog's siblings have won at Crufts)
I doube-dare anyone to listen to the whole three hours of his Rudebox podcast.
Interesting in parts though as all the songs he plays are by 'Britpop' bands following a back-and-forth in the press about pop music versus worthy indie bands and how he felt "any knobhead with a guitar" was able to get signed in the 90's. Quite remarkable how his insecurites come across but I guess he's always been a very plain-speaking person.
Nice to see the appreciation for Pulp though. After playing Something Changed he also describes meeting Pulp at Glastonbury and showing them his poems/lyrics and how he dearly wanted to impress them.
-- Edited by Eamonn on Monday 1st of April 2013 02:12:46 PM
Cannot stand Robbie Williams, under any circumstances, sorry Eamonn. The fact that he knows he's a talentless fraud doesn't stop him from recording / selling millions of records, so it's even worse than if he was blissfully unaware. I'm trying not to make this another mark against Something Changed, can't choose your friends, etc.
-- Edited by weej on Wednesday 3rd of April 2013 02:47:49 AM
It's nice to see he thought nice things about Pulp. What was his paddy about britpop bands all about though? especially when he knew (or should've) that they'd just say what really happened? Tut.
He took umbrage with a quote from Brett Anderson in the press who was lamenting modern pop and that how it was still ruled by boybands decided by committee as in the 90's. Williams started name-checking a lot of third division indie who got record deals then yet were no more talented than the likes of Take That and East 17. Fair point but he felt bad about slagging some of them as the likes of the Menswear drummer and Shed Seven singer tweeted how sad they were cos "we've met before, Rob, I though we had summat special" and all that jazz. Mildly amusing really.