Personally, just so that you know where I stand, I think this list is absolute bollocks! It's very much an american centric list so in some ways it's good to see Pulp get in at all but some of the choices are just so awful it beggars belief. Even disregarding the lack of UK Indie bands (and let's ignore what actually constitutes and 'Indie' band enayway) including T Rex and the Kinks, under no possible criteria could they be considered Indie bands, is surely madness! So anyway, have a look and I hope you all hate it is as much as me. Though, to be fair, my list would probably be just as insular and, without a doubt, full of classic UK Indie bands.
Beck - "Years active 1998-Present" "A far cry from the punk, rock and noise that pervaded most of the '90s" - obviously someone had a different 90s to me. Nice name-check for Peter Dalton, seems to imply that he's still in the group. " dancey, new wave rock with dark disco undertones" - someone's only heard After You and possibly something from This Is Hardcore. GYBE! are indie rock now? And My Bloody Valentine? And LCD Soundsystem? The description of Arcade Fire is frankly sickening. If T-rex and The Kinks are 'indie rock' then why not The Beatles, why not Elvis for that matter? The legacy of The Smiths is apparently that "By elevating the every day feelings of the everyman to the pedestal of rock 'n' roll superstar, Morrissey and Marr stumbled into roles as genre creators. The indie musician became the ordinary rock star, shrouded simultaneously in both mystery and fame." "is the break up of indie rock's first royal couple a sign that "indie rock" as a genre is finally over?" = OH GOD PLEASE YES!