I remember hearing word that Russell Senior was going to produce Art Brut's second album. But then the album came out with someone else producing, so I assumed it was an unfounded rumor.
Turns out, he did begin to produce for them, but it didn't pan out. Some outtakes are going to be released on the band's new anthology.
Interesting..I'd forgotten about that. What is it with Russell and abandoned projects? The Housing Ladder/Venini/his novel/his Miners musical...I'm surprised he was a PulpPerson for so long.
Will look forward to that. I have all the Art Brut albums and whilst they've generally declined over the years I rate the 2nd one as the best - possibly because it's a break up album!
If you didn't come to party then why did you come?
Two tribes site ain't updated and they don't respond to emails anymore. The art brut failing might be more down to them than him tho? My favourite Art Brut spin off was the Art Goblins. Why? Because my band did a split 7" with them and it was NME single of the week. Have I ever mentioned this? I usually do. Our only ever 'celeb' fan was Chris Chinchilla from Art Brut. Sadly he left both that band and our country soon after...
I met Eddie Argos on the day he came up with his monicker, must've been in 1999. I was out with friends in Bournemouth and he's a friend of theirs. We talked about The Yummy Fur. He was quite drunk, and probably doesn't remember me now.
Weej, I used to live with someone who detested Eddie Argos. Couldn't work out why as their only real encounter had been Eddie asking said housemate of mine to join the Art Goblins on guitar.
I went to a houseparty with Eddie Argos once. Very nice chap. We drank wine and talked of gigs with the girl from Help She Can't Swim. Well, they talked. And I kept interrupting.
I know the girl from Help She Can't Swim too. (Not trying to show off here BTW, doubt very much anyone could be impressed.) No stories about her that I can share, though. Small indie scene in Southampton, everyone knew each-other, etc.