For someone who's never been to Sheffield before, what's the difference between red and blue? Is it like Cardiff where there's just two different entrances for standing?
I'm Red doors as well and it's just about where you enter the Arena. They couldn't have everybody in standing going through one set of doors.
Surprisingly, they do at the O2
How they ever pass fire safety regs is beyond me then.
Woohoo! Cannot wait cannot wait cannot wait! The thought of Hawley supporting is brilliant, but his reaction also suggests they could be doing an extra long set or something equally different and special!
-- Edited by liltman on Monday 26th of November 2012 01:20:34 PM
I forgot to mention because I've been busy, met Hawley last Wednesday and asked about the concert, he just winked and said wait and see, he was really good live by the way.
I predict from that that they will do what they did in 02 and call it a day without ever saying so, with the intention of perhaps reforming again for live shows when the timing and money are right
I forgot to mention because I've been busy, met Hawley last Wednesday and asked about the concert, he just winked and said wait and see, he was really good live by the way.
Brilliant! I've been moping around that none of his 2013 dates are close enough to warrent me traveling by myself so I'd love that. Plus if he's supporting my sister will hear his music for the first time and I can convince her to go to hull with me :)
Well, it's official. My wallet hates me. I managed to suppress the urge to buy tickets right up until 12 days before the gig, and then I just couldn't resist it any longer. Woo-hoo! Only 12 days to go now!
Hush, keep very still, for the strangest things are about to happen.
We started queing at midday for the Brixton gigs and barrier slots would have been filled by about 4pm if that helps. But the arena is a lot bigger and I suppose you won't know which doors will be opening first.
Don't forget the Brixton show was on a weekday so most sensible people were working instead of queuing. I can see people queuing much earlier - this is the homecoming show after all.
Shit, I'm not in Shef until 2 ish and then I can't get into my hotel until 3. Then I have primping myself and food to consider. Christ, was it even worth me getting standing tickets?
I would be there super-early, but I don't think my girlfriend would be too keen on that. I have managed to convince her to stand for the gig (she prefers seated) so I'm not going to push my luck. I'll make sure I am there at a reasonably early time and take my chances.
A Radiohead fan was asking me when she should start queueing and I was like "well...I don't think Pulp fans are quite on the same level as Radiohead fans with that". When I went to see RH we should up at 6 in the morning and there were two people there who'd been there since 6 the night before. Totally insane.
The trees, those useless trees, produce the air that I am breathing
I am arriving in Sheffield at 10 and am heading straight for the arena - hopefully that'll ensure a place at the barrier (do you think?)
I'd be a bit worried about the mental state of someone who was there earlier than 10 in the morning! (says he with 50 thousand posts)
Well then I'm glad I didn't persuade myself to get ealier tickets Still if this really is the last time I get to see them then I don't want to take any chances.
cor, you lot are keen, I got to Brixton and RAH well after doors opened and was pretty much at the front for both shows. I wouldn't like to go too early, as I'd just be really tired for the gig. I admire those who manage to queue for hours though!
Eamonn, the 9am start at RAH was largely dictated by the fact my other half was a couple of months pregnant - hence we wanted to be at the barrier where there was more ability to support her, and also to get out if the going got tough.
Oh yeah, and 'cos we were there so early, we - and rawrsome sauce (who is also mental) - got to chat to Jarvis when he appeared!
The first Brixton day was 'only' a mid-day start, with the second day being an earlier start due to the fact we hadn't been first in the queue on the first day! In the end it all paid off though as I'm sure Russell - if reminded of his constant heckling - will attest to.
Never been tired for a gig doing it this way, either. Brixton was especially easy as there's a non-stop supply of Asian foody treats from just 'round the corner, seats to sit on, and a charity shop across the road in case you've not brought a book.
Sheffield Arena, however, offers merely bowling and Frankie and Benny's.