Well i guess my fight is a war already lost on this board. You all hate pop songs i get that.
Eamonn wrote:
I agree completely :)
I love pop songs. Nothing better than a storming single. Every Pulp single from O.U. to Sorted (ignoring the other a-sides like Mis-shapes and Underwear) were perfect pop songs. I just don't like Disco 2000. I think it's poor.
'Your name was Deborah, it never suited ya' is one of the best rhymes ever! And why does I Spy have 11% of the votes? I consider that one a masterpiece. What don't people rate about it?
I'm with you Anet on I Spy. It would reflect the usual diversity of opinion on this board if every song ended up with an equal number of votes. For everyone who hates a song, someone else will love it. Even Something Changed is opening up an early lead here, yet it's high up on lots of people's lists. It seems to fall strongly into a category of songs that some people just don't get and other people do - I think there might have been a thread about that once.
We'll use the one thing we've got more of, that's our minds.
I dont like Pencil Skirt, never have. Different Class really only comes out when about to head out...maybe it should be called Netball Skirt or slutty skirt or Parachute skirt....I spy on the other hand, the band at its best and when they're in full flight when they play this live....nothing really comes close to it.
I'm really disappointed that Pencil Skirt is currently so far in front to the extent that I may make several new accounts and personas just to rig this poll :P