At last! Yes, the idea was that we would be 'singing' "We Can Dance Again" due to the similarities it has to the Blake's 7 theme music.
I met the Great Man the other month in Manchester. He was taking part in the read-through of a play at Fab Cafe and was absolutely charming. Due to the nature of the readthrough, unfortunately there was no scenery, although this may have been a good thing as he would have chewed right through it. A cracking performance!
I knew it was him I just didn't know it was you! I'm jealous that you met him, Blakes 7 is my second favourite TV programme, and Avon is probably my favourite TV character ever.
He is a wonderful character, isn't he? I was trying to explain to my other half about how amazing the character is, but when you start describing him as "He's a psychopath. Sometimes he'd kill people just for fun" etc. he comes across as rather more black than grey.
The script readthrough he was doing was of the 'Robots of Death' Dr. Who story. He effectively took on the character of the Doctor. But a Doctor with guns. Who killed people for fun. It was a jolly romp and he really dominated proceedings.
I don't think he's *that* hard to meet really. If you keep an eye on his website, you'll probably come across him doing something or other...somewhere or other!
One of my friends likes that photo. She suggested ""Did you decide to become the wisecracking but naive sidekick in a crime-fighting partnership, whose youthful enthusiasm tests and tempers your stony-faced senior colleague's gruff taciturnity (itself masking a kind-hearted diffidence)?"