Completed this last night. There was an embarassment of riches to go on the sleeve, so there's no less than five photos included!
This takes us up to May 1987. It's got the March '87 gig at the Limit (the first with 'disco' Pulp) as well as the May '87 BBC Radio Sheffield interview with J & R in order to promote Freaks (despite the fact that only two songs from that album remained in the set!)
As a bonus track there's "And the sun..." - the 'lost' track for which Steven Havenhand recorded what he remembered earlier this year.
Had trouble uploading this last night, but hopefully it'll be up tonight.
It's one of my favourite Pulp bootlegs, certainly the best of the 80's. A real shame that My First Wife (both versions) and Going Back To Find Her were never properly recorded.
Absolutely. And the quality on this is pretty damn good for the age.
What recording devices did Paul use to tape these shows, do you know? And is that him with a mate giving the informative stage-set description at the beginning?
I've not asked, but I'm 99% sure one of them is him, yes. Fairly sure he's not the arrogant sounding one (and not sure that that person was a mate), but I'm not much cop at peoples' voices. Compare the voices to the narrator of Premspeak/the interviewer from PPF013 and you'll get your answer.
I shall ask what devices he used too. Supposed to be meeting him on Sunday actually as he's going to be at Tramlines!
Really want to get these, but still locked out of most webistes until I can get my VPN renewed. Anticipation is good though, I'll just enjoy a bit more of that for now.
Oh - the voices at the start. Paul Mills is the one with more of a north-west accent. The other one is Tim Jones, who was/is in the Nihlistics with Paul and played in various other bands, including one or two with the legendary Clyde Hatter!
"Yes I saw her in the chip shop / so I said get yer top off"
Regarding footage of The Day That Never Happened, in the second BeatIsTheLaw podcast last year Eve Wood mentioned that Jarvis has possession of it and (can't recall her exact quote as the podcast doesn't seem to be available from the site anymore) that it might see the light of day at some point. The background on-screen projection at the Sheffield gig in December is my guess ;)