I take some solace in this not being the last show & maybe there is more to come but they will have to bite the bullet soon & either write some new songs or pack it in.
Rule #1 of being a Pulp band: Never take any notice of what any band member says regarding the future of the group. They are all pretty much as indecisive as each other so whatever they say often turns out to be rubbish
I thought this would most likely be the last show, but then the whole Coachella thing makes me think otherwise. I don't see Pulp ending on a gig that is only in the price bracket of a small group of people. I suppose Coachella is a good thing; it means we're most likely going to see some more of Pulp in 2013 (either that or there will be a final gig right at the end of 2012...Doomsday gig on 21 December, anyone?).
-- Edited by salmon92 on Wednesday 18th of July 2012 04:31:32 PM
Hush, keep very still, for the strangest things are about to happen.
Of course the tissue comment could mean that, but that alongside the other hints on the website, the fact it's ten years since Auto... I just can't help but think they were misleading us all
I don't think they misled anyone since they've said it's probably gonna end by the end of the year and I believe that's exactly what's gonna happen sadly.
That's exactly what I was thinking liltman; they end the band with a Caribbean cruise! How bizarre is that? Nick said in the Radio Sheffield interview that they wanted Sheffield to be "one of the last things they did" so this is what they had planned!?! (I'm gonna run out of my daily quota of exclamation/question marks soon!) It fits in with "probably finish by the end of the year", "no more British shows" and the statement about Sheffield from Nick.
Yeah, he stumbled over his words didn't he? I think it's fair to say none of us could have guessed this would happen a week or so later! Christ, it even makes the Sheffield gig look like a warm-up now!
Yeah, he stumbled over his words didn't he? I think it's fair to say none of us could have guessed this would happen a week or so later! Christ, it even makes the Sheffield gig look like a warm-up now!
Nah, come on guys. The Sheffield one is still by far the most special one, it will genuinely be epic. The performance, (perhaps) Russell, a longer setlist, a hometown gig, ..
The most potentially galling thing about this is that due to the multiple performances that they're due to play and the fact that they've rehearsed huge chunks of the back-catalogue they could easily put on a rarities or full album show which would be a real pisser if it was a once-off.
Can you really see the people going on the cruise responding to a rarities/album show? It is a festival after all. Besides, I didn't think you could see all the shows by one band? Or did I make that up.
I agree the cruises are essentially a festival, so not dedicated fans in general, completely in contrast to the Sheffield one. I don't think the cruise thing diminishes the Sheffield show at all, they seem like very different things to me. I also think the "tissues optional" comment is more to do with the coming home sentiment, therefore the closing the circle/circle being unbroken reference.
We'll use the one thing we've got more of, that's our minds.
Can you really see the people going on the cruise responding to a rarities/album show? It is a festival after all. Besides, I didn't think you could see all the shows by one band? Or did I make that up.
I was thinking more of the band themselves. They might decided to open the floodgates with all the stuff they've rehearsed. I'd be surprised if the four shows were all just the staple festivals set.
It's not really 4 shows though, it's 2 shows per cruise. If the whole boat sells out they might be playing to completely different audiences at every show.
I think this may be the only time in life where if I was offered two tickets for either a two-week cruise to the Bahamas/Jamaica, or an evening in Sheffield, I may just choose Sheffield.