oh dear. calling something 'The Cultural Motherland.' that was sarcasm. did you miss the capitals?
I don't understand how someone who wants Pulp to be discussed like the films of Bela Tarr can call anyone else faux-intellectualizing.
I'm actually going to lawschool but thanks for playing.
Btw, I don't want to pretend that I'm ashamed of my 'internet presence' - I'm chekhonte on tumblr, 20727 (formerly highrising) on livejournal, and jarvizcocker (formerly lindadox) on youtube. I hope you're not disappointed that jarvizcocker isn't actually Jarvis. Maybe I've robbed you of your next expose.
I'm jarvizcocker (formerly lindadox) on youtube. I hope you're not disappointed that jarvizcocker isn't actually Jarvis. Maybe I've robbed you of your next expose.
The lastest tumblr news is that all the crazy Pulp fans are now saying that I'm PRETENDING to be British, but I'm actually American, just like them. I haven't had this much fun in AGES.
It reminds me too much of ridiculous arguments I got into on the internet when I was 18 or 19. Mortified when I read them now. Stop, Calum, for the love of christ, you don't need to win this one.
It reminds me too much of ridiculous arguments I got into on the internet when I was 18 or 19. Mortified when I read them now. Stop, Calum, for the love of christ, you don't need to win this one.
I think you're right... it's just so irrellevant to anything that actually matters. I just enjoy it so much and get so easily spurred on, I always have to have the last word etc etc. Bit pointless though. The internet, eh?
@rawsome, the verified fake account of Manny Pacquiao has more followers than the real Manny Pacquiao. There's even a verified Kim Jong Il.
I've been reading reallyjcocker's timeline and they're pretty harmless. If Jarvis and his management are not protesting its verified stamp, then there's no reason why I should be bothered by it's official status. Keep doing what you are doing tricia, while you're at it, why not promote the WLL petition to your followers, provoke a verbal tussle with fake Brett Anderson or send creepy tweets to juvenile starlets like Selena Gomez. (Oy, don't do that!) The fun things you can do with that check stamp on your profile. Personally, I prefer this -->Jarvis Cocker. His bio fits Jarvis' personality so perfectly.
@20727, That jarvizcocker on Youtube is awesome. Thank you for the Pulp and Blur vids. Btw, Severus Snape isn't really a villain.
Psst! calum, there are almost 60M tumblr users, I don't understand why you can't find someone sharing your interests. The visual nature and short-form blog format is why it is popular with teenagers and fandom. So it's pretty much populated by Dr. Who fans and cat lovers. If you want see some serious architecture convo then join Skyscraper City forum. Here. Here. Most members are architecture and urban planning enthusiasts. Tumblr is not the place to go. People use tumblr b'coz of it's simple and it's a lighthearted way to share your favorite image or video. If you are looking for a Pulp fan, male or female, who isn't fancying Jarvis, then I'm sorry, there is no such thing. But you can follow this and this. Both respected music journalists and pop culture experts.
Psst! calum, there are almost 60M tumblr users, I don't understand why you can't find someone sharing your interests. The visual nature and short-form blog format is why it is popular with teenagers and fandom. So it's pretty much populated by Dr. Who fans and cat lovers. If you want see some serious architecture convo then join Skyscraper City forum. Here. Here. Most members are architecture and urban planning enthusiasts. Tumblr is not the place to go. People use tumblr b'coz of it's simple and it's a lighthearted way to share your favorite image or video. If you are looking for a Pulp fan, male or female, who isn't fancying Jarvis, then I'm sorry, there is no such thing. But you can follow this and this. Both respected music journalists and pop culture experts.
Oh thanks for this, I'm actually on the Skyscraper City forums already, but mainly to do with public transport and North East urban planning-related stuff. I suppose complaining that Tumblr is shallow or whatever is like going to Indietracks and complaining that everyone is really twee. I should just stop using it if I don't like it, I just find it difficult to ignore the stuff I hate sometimes. I'll definitely follow those blogs you suggested, thanks.
Wow, not only can you not understand obvious sarcasm, you also have problems with reading comprehension. I never stated that you are responsible for anything other than being an idiot. Simply put, you wouldn't know where to start with anything else. I just objected to the romanticism that the term anglophile conveys and have absolutely no desire to live in the UK, with I think, good (albeit personal) reason. That's all. It's a good straw man though and one of course, held up in part by the misogyny (hysterical women on tumblr after me just because I'm a true fan and they aren't!!!!!) that seems commonplace with you.
I know you insist that you're not a lowly undergrad, and not a 'brat' as you are of course, all of 22, so from that I was expecting a sudden blast of Ronan Farrow levels of intelligence. Colour me disappointed.
And yes, I'm jarvizcocker and I'm glad you enjoy the vids, though they're the products of internet hunting rather than me actually doing the real work with taping/physical conversions etc! :)
Twitter has a history of verifying fake accounts, when Rupert Murdoch joined, someone set up a fake account for his wife and that got verified!
oh yeah I heard about that- also, someone had been running a fake (yet verified) twitter account for a band one of my friends is in, which had been up for months before said band realised! They were tweeting stuff about gigs being cancelled, when they hadn't been cancelled at all... a nasty prank to pull.
Hmm, i think of myself as more skeptical than just negative, I don't mean to come across that way. And I've said time and time again- it's just my opinion, I don't expect anyone to agree. I do need to cool it, when I start making people genuinely upset it gets a bit much. I'm not a bastard. I guess I've been coming on this forum since 2005 (when it was that impossible to navigate message board), and it's changed very dramatically over the last couple of years. It used to be more 'serious', in my opinion, and I liked that, but I should maybe just accept that the forum has changed and embrace it. Certainly the last thing it needs is me being a dick.
And also, I DID find Tricia's twitter funny! It's just that when other people and twitter themselves start believing it actually IS Jarvis, the joke ceases to be funny, in my opinion.
Wow I join this forum to finally talk to people who understand my Pulp obsession and this is the first thread I see... I hope it's not a bad omen ;)
Trisha I enjoy your Twitter account. Most of the tweets I've seen directed towards it are people who are aware it isn't really Jarvis and I've been waiting to see when Twitter would realise that too. Every Tweet is clearly a joke and you've never posted anything negative that could be associated with him are or family so I don't see the problem. It shouldn't be verified but if I was in your position I'd probably find being verified too funny to do anything about it.
As for "fan girls"... it is possible to appreciate the band for their talent, intelligence and pure determination and still find them attractive or find silly Tumblr posts about them humorous. Jarvis's (I am absolutely positive that isn't grammatically correct) lyrics in particular has influenced not only my appreciation of their music but my life and no amount of laughing at crudely PhotoShopped images will change that. The sort of light hearted fun poking you'll mainly find on Tumblr is the sort that comes from a place of admiration - people tend to say far more vulgar things when they only appreciate a band for their looks. Now if you want to criticise that person who floods that tag with slash (and very badly written slash judging from the excerpts) be my guest :)
Lauren, that made me smile. I think I maybe misjudged tumblr/the motives of obsessive-seeming tumblr fans. I just didn't really 'get it'. But thankfully I've never had the misfortune to read any Pulp fanfic!!
The thing is with Tumblr it's such a mix of serious and light hearted posts it can be hard to figure out who's coming from where. I think for quite a few people who don't know anyone with common interests Tumblr is the only place they can talk about that particular thing and it gets exciting to meet people who've had the same thoughts. It can look obsessive but that's because all their Pulp thoughts are concentrated there. I've seen the odd people write things "appreciating" certain members that I think they shouldn't be posting on the internet but then I remember when I'm with my friends talking about people we all find attractive we've said things that could be perceived a certain way from the outside but from the inside we all know it's just hyperbole. Now when people post things blatantly sexualising people I think that's out of line but I see no harm in the posts about wanting a hug and the like.
Yeah, it's the sexualisation which crosses the line. I follow this hilarious One Direction blog, and you kind of expect it from that kind of fan, but when it's applied to Pulp it just makes me feel... I dunno, sad I guess. You could argue that Jarvis open himself up to sexualisation, but that doesn't mean it's RIGHT to sexualise him (as it's creepily close to the "she was asking for it" school of thinking), and the rest of the band certainly don't open themselves up to that kind of thing.
I think you've really hit the nail on the head with tumblr being a mix of serious and lighthearted posts, and that in itself being very confusing. I personally don't follow anything related to 'fandoms' and the like- most tumblrs I follow are personal blogs belonging to friends, music journalism type stuff, feminist blogs, vegetarianism and animal rights stuff, public transport blogs etc etc- I'd never really thought about it before, but I suppose that all of those are relatively 'serious' when compared to all the fandom stuff, which before last night I'd never really experienced! It was a change in tone that I was pretty surprised by, to be honest!
You don't follow fandom blogs but you follow a ONE DIRECTION blog? Make your mind up lad! Also most of those OD fans are probably in their early teens. Don't judge them too harshly.
You don't follow fandom blogs but you follow a ONE DIRECTION blog? Make your mind up lad! Also most of those OD fans are probably in their early teens. Don't judge them too harshly.
And no, I wouldn't judge them, they're just bairns, I just meant that it made me sad (personally, my personal opinion, no right or wrong etc) when Pulp fans act the same way.