Ooh look what passed me by during my internet-less summer holiday. I'm really glad the thread has revived. I'm always amazed at how creative people are. Art (visual, music, whatever) never formed any part of my life except as a consumer/spectator until I met my husband, it was something I assumed I couldn't do and only a small number of specially talented people did. I'm still amazed so many people are so creative. I've come to realise the process of creation is easily as important as the final product. I put the art in the title in quotes as my own efforts wouldn't score very highly on the final product front, but they would fare a lot better on the process of creation scale.
Here is a very roundabout piece of Pulp-inspired art. On that great day last December, we went on our obligatory pilgrimage to the Graves Gallery to see the holy Damien Hirst painting, as seen previously on Blue Peter. We had a lovely afternoon, a great gallery not just in terms of the collection but also the presentation and the little bits of explanation that make such a difference to the whole experience, like the short biographies of the subjects of the old portraits. We particularly enjoyed the stairwell mobile and decided to make our own. Now our stairwell is rather cramped, but we have been slowly adding bits, the latest being the fimo fish that weight all the strings down.