Trying to piece together what happened here. It seems Calum has taken a dislike to Yankee for mentioning that he's heard some of the new 'Low' material before it's been released and that he thinks it's boastful?
Do correct me if I'm wrong!
I think that in this day and age, it's an awful lot easier to come across unreleased stuff than it used to be as people with a real interest in certain bands can often come across leaked stuff far earlier than previously. I was listening to the new Allo Darlin' album a couple of months before it came out, simply 'cos promo copies had made it onto Soulseek. Likewise the last Fall album. And several new Suede songs are also available out there for those who are interested.
I suppose it's like on t'Blur forum where people have been discussing the merits of "Under the Westway" which has only received an airing by Damon and Graham at a gig by the two of them. In the days pre-youtube, going on about how much you love this song and that you think it's amazing would have seemed really wankish as you're just boasting about the "Well, I was there" aspect of being at the gig. But when anyone with a Net connection can hear the thing on Youtube, it seems a little different.
So yeah, I don't think that it's particularly boastful to me mentioning such things in the way that Yankee did, really.
But maybe I've misread this entire situation! I only tried to piece it together 'cos I thought (with the post appearing just below mine) that I'd kicked something off!!
No no, Yankee KNOWS Low and has mentioned it unpromted a few times. Saying "i've heard new Low material" is just another way for him to say "i'm with the band!!" and it's just a bit boastful and annoying, especially as it's totally irellevant to this forum. I'm sure that we've all got stuff we could boast about if we wanted.
I'm not with the band, they're in MN and I'm here in the UK.
I come here to speak about music. I have heard some music that I think other people who like music might be interested to know I heard it and think it is good. If someone had heard some music by.. say.. I dunno, Arab Strap or Blur or something and I hadn't, I would be glad of their opinion. I couldn't give a shit if they know the band. If they know the band it makes more sense to me though, and that would be that.
Spiritualized are "top blokes". I don't particularly know them, I just met them a couple of times. I think it's a reasonable thing to say given the amount of shit I read about Spaceman around the internet. People can give opinions about people they never met, but if they share an opinion which they have personal experience of it is boastful?
I mentioned knowing low maybe a few times, just because in conversation if I am talking about their music which i love, it just comes out because its no big deal. One of the times it was when I was telling people what I was talking to Jarvis about. On other forums, people can talk about things like that cause it's normal to know people in life. Some people on the spiritualized forum know some people and some know others. It's good, we all talk about stuff like that as well as everything else and sometimes it can help us out. We can go to shows together and meet interesting people that the others know because they're into the same things. I know other people that some people on this forum might be fans of, or maybe they don't know who they are. I haven't mentioned them, because it didn't come into my mind talking about what I was talking about.
I will boast about Sergio Aguero scoring in the 94th Minute. That is all.
Not boastful to share an opinion, just boastful to continually reference that you know a band. And you HAVE referenced it quite a bit. But now we all know that you know Low, you can stop talking about it, and everyone can be happy.
At a stretch, it does kinda make sense for you to mention it in this context. Just sometimes you seem to blurt it out needlessly. Sorry, I don't mean to pick on you, I just know so many arrogant, boastful boys in their early twenties, it absolutely boils my blood, I just see red.
It doesn't bother me if you are trying to pick on me, honest. Haters gonna hate. I see plenty of stuff on here that I think "crikey, that's a bit shit" and just leave it be. I have far too much respect for the music people can make to try and score points out of knowing them a little. There's much to be said about people who feel the need to be negative on a public forum, especially towards one other specific member. Much to be said... I won't though.
The only thing I'd discuss from this is the assertion that "Spiritualized are "top blokes". I don't particularly know them, I just met them a couple of times." I have heard a lot of stories about Jason Pierce being more than 'a bit of an arse'. It's just from my own experiences of the few times that my path has crossed with that of Mark E. Smith (spoken to him twice, came to my clubnight once and saw my band play three times) I always found him to be very likeable and very polite. But I am well aware that I am likely very blinded by the fact that I think he's pretty amazing and the starstruckness aspect helps change my opinion.
I'm sure I wouldn't think "wow" at every elderly drunk staring STARING at my face when I'm trying to do a gig. But if it's someone you're a fan of, it's a bit different.
This isn't namedropping btw (or it's not intended to be!) just wondering how much our opinion of "this popstar is a nice person" are clouded by the fact that we already like them and *want* to be nice.
Although Darren Hayman could quite often be a right moody arse.
I really hesitate to go into why I found them to be "top blokes"... I'm off for a bit, I'm rather uncomfortable with this place now.
I will depart by expressing my opinion that if there is a new Kraftwerk album this year, there is a good chance it will be the best thing to hit our turntables in a while.
It wasn't me asking for an explanation - t'was just hypothesising on what I feel when meeting Famous Popstars and was wondering whether it likely to be the same for others.
Try not to stay away too long. This place ain't all bad :)
Well I hope I haven't upset you. All of my humour - crass as it was - was in your defence. Though reading over it, it might not seem that way. You referenced another band in a thread about other bands. Nothing wrong with that.
I've met Jason and he was great, we had a long chat and the only time he got arsey it was completely understandable as I told him I owned all his stuff but had to illegally download some of the early stuff! I did add there was no other way for me to get hold of it at the time, and bought most of it when the Complete Works were released not long afterwards!
This is indeed civilised! And mature, which is why what I felt was childish boasting got on my wick, I should have risen above it but sadly I do not possess that willpower. I like the way that everyone on here is very polite even when arguing. Most fan communities are full of pricks (anything to do with Morrissey or Belle & Sebastian, urrghhh, even some Blur fans are annoying), but I like the way that users of this board actually try and get stuff done (e.g. the We Love Life re-release, and when I tried to get everyone to put some money in to buy that 91' ITV performance). Doesn't really come to anything, but it's the thought that counts!
I agree - please don't feel like we're ganging up on you but that is the first time I have ever heard Low mentioned (still have no idea who they are) and cannot for the life of me see how Yankee was boasting with what he said
Jazza, try 'Death of a Salesman' by said band. Probably my favourite by them.
And I concur on the 'civilised' comments. Anyone ever seen the Suede forum? Jeez, they eat each other alive on there. And Brett too when he appears. Poor Brett. He deserves better fans!
Jazza, try 'Death of a Salesman' by said band. Probably my favourite by them.
And I concur on the 'civilised' comments. Anyone ever seen the Suede forum? Jeez, they eat each other alive on there. And Brett too when he appears. Poor Brett. He deserves better fans!
Calum, I think you gotta man up and admit you were a bit in the wrong.
I think I'm just a bit more in tune to this (plus I've been around this forum for longer than you, Fred) but he's definitely mentioned him being friends with Low at least five times, probably more. It was just excessive, needless namedropping- it wasn't what he said in this thread, just the culmination of all the times he's gone on about them. I have a friend who knows Morrissey- he doesn't go around talking about it on unreleated internet message boards. In fact, I find that people who are genuinely friends with musicians, just see them as the normal people they are and as such feel no need to boast about knowing them.
Calum, I think you gotta man up and admit you were a bit in the wrong.
I think I'm just a bit more in tune to this (plus I've been around this forum for longer than you, Fred) but he's definitely mentioned him being friends with Low at least five times, probably more. It was just excessive, needless namedropping- it wasn't what he said in this thread, just the culmination of all the times he's gone on about them. I have a friend who knows Morrissey- he doesn't go around talking about it on unreleated internet message boards. In fact, I find that people who are genuinely friends with musicians, just see them as the normal people they are and as such feel no need to boast about knowing them.
Slightly ironically you have talked about having a tenuous link with knowing Morrissey, I find this amusing.
Calum, I think you gotta man up and admit you were a bit in the wrong.
I think I'm just a bit more in tune to this (plus I've been around this forum for longer than you, Fred) but he's definitely mentioned him being friends with Low at least five times, probably more. It was just excessive, needless namedropping- it wasn't what he said in this thread, just the culmination of all the times he's gone on about them. I have a friend who knows Morrissey- he doesn't go around talking about it on unreleated internet message boards. In fact, I find that people who are genuinely friends with musicians, just see them as the normal people they are and as such feel no need to boast about knowing them.
Slightly ironically you have talked about having a tenuous link with knowing Morrissey, I find this amusing.
Err, that was kinda the point- we all have stuff we COULD boast about, but we choose not to.