One of the very few pieces of new music I've bought this year is the last Fall single (Night of the Humerons). It's not an album, but it is absolutely unlike anything ever made before by humans.
Oh, and the new Allo Darlin' is pretty good too. I think it's better than the debut, anyway...
I also imagine the Wind Up Birds album will be pretty good given their quality when they play live...
Ahem, sorry, he just reminds me of some rather pathetic kid I know who boasts at every opportunity in order to assert himself. I just can't stand that attitude.
It's slightly unpleasant to go about asserting your dislike that way though. Unless of course he was balls deep, but ONLY if it was that far. You've got to draw a line.
Oh yeah, Spiritualized is the best. Forgot because I was so pissed off the with mis-press of the white vinyl edition. They sent me a replacement and now its fine. Not only did they make this years best album, they're also top notch folk. The new bass player used to be in Starsailor (which is a shame)... he really brings it live, although Doggen played the bass on the album.
I heard about the vinyl controversy.. it's the CD I have a problem with! I've no problem with albums that sound deliberately raw, just not sure it works in this case.
Trying to piece together what happened here. It seems Calum has taken a dislike to Yankee for mentioning that he's heard some of the new 'Low' material before it's been released and that he thinks it's boastful?
Do correct me if I'm wrong!
I think that in this day and age, it's an awful lot easier to come across unreleased stuff than it used to be as people with a real interest in certain bands can often come across leaked stuff far earlier than previously. I was listening to the new Allo Darlin' album a couple of months before it came out, simply 'cos promo copies had made it onto Soulseek. Likewise the last Fall album. And several new Suede songs are also available out there for those who are interested.
I suppose it's like on t'Blur forum where people have been discussing the merits of "Under the Westway" which has only received an airing by Damon and Graham at a gig by the two of them. In the days pre-youtube, going on about how much you love this song and that you think it's amazing would have seemed really wankish as you're just boasting about the "Well, I was there" aspect of being at the gig. But when anyone with a Net connection can hear the thing on Youtube, it seems a little different.
So yeah, I don't think that it's particularly boastful to me mentioning such things in the way that Yankee did, really.
But maybe I've misread this entire situation! I only tried to piece it together 'cos I thought (with the post appearing just below mine) that I'd kicked something off!!