"I Spy, FEELINGCALLEDLOVE and Live Bed Show. Those were the three songs, musically, I felt most proud of. So that was the direction I was personally going in. Which perhaps isn't a million miles from where they went anyway".
Sounds more positive about post-Russell Pulp than anything else I've read!
"I seem 'em a couple of times since I left and my overriding thing was myGod I hope they were better when I was in 'em. Coz I didn't think it was that good."
"When I've seen them when I was not in it, wachting it seemed ordinary."
"It's like a mid-life crisis put on record - I can get all that at home."
This is the sound of someone losing the plot, making out that they are okay when they are not. You're gonna like it, but not a lot.