It's a case of moving with the times, I suppose. I apologise for my earlier posts re: sharing of bootlegs. Everything that I have got that was previously "out of circulation" is available now I think.
Just listened to this today, amazing gig and good sound quality too. Its nice to hear the crowd really enjoying it, screaming for more at the end! And Jarvis is sounding more comfortable now too. The highlight for me was Didn't Feel A Thing, sounds so much more polished now! Cheers Stephen
-- Edited by shotoki on Sunday 15th of April 2012 04:27:50 PM
Thanks again, Stephen, truly sterling work you're doing here. I'm endeavoring to get it uploaded to mediafire (via a VPN, from China, what a world, eh?) will let you all know if / when I'm successful. I was just thinking about the unknown song unearthed a couple of portfolios ago. Has anyone thought of asking one of the band members about it? I mean Magnus or Pete, the others are presumably harder to get in touch with. Probably a long-shot, but might be useful (not just thinking of myself sitting down to write about "unknown song" here, honest).
Cheers, Weej! I'll try mediafire again myself for the next upload, but sendspace is very fuss free!
Also, re: the 'unknown' song, I've put out a tentative tentacle in the direction of Pete Mansell of late, but have yet to hear anything back. Will pose the question to him if I do.