Just thought he never gets much attention in here, so I'm offering a shout out to Nick! Can't imagine the band without him, he's a friendly, earthy chap, he's a great drummer and he doesn't seem to have aged in years. So there you go.
Brilliant drummer, aye. Likewise with Magnus Doyle though, I don't think Pulp knew they were born when it came to drummers. Two extremely talented drummers who'd have been a credit to any band. Certainly in his day Magnus was by far the superior of any other musician in the band...
Do you know what, I was listening to His'n'Hers yesterday in the car and I'm thinking Acrylic Afternoons (which is quite possibly my fav Pulp song), the drumming is amazing, its so precise. Yep - all bow down to Nick. He's not a showy drummer - but incredibly talented and the backbone of Pulp with which to put allll those guitars and keys..... My one big regret is still in 2010 when I stayed in Shefiield and getting a bus down to Catcliffe and standing in the bus station sort of over the road feeling a L O N G way from home and thinking do I go in or not??? and I chickened out......what was I going to say...
There was pub up on the corner just up from the Pottery shop and I thought about going up there but as I was by myself I wasnt sure if it was a good pub or a bad pub....There was a blueberry hedge? I should post some photos, its quite funny really, I must of looked totally out of place. I had this backpack with some pulp crap in it and this massive camera - I was trying not to look weird.....It was just really surreal being at the front of this shop knowing that this is 'where it all happened'....yeah I'll post some photos...later
If you want an honest, down to earth answer... Ask Nick. Big credit I think goes to him for not only Babies but all of Seperations - as he sat and programmed all of those drums before technology made it a fairly easy task & for the drum riff on Feeling Called Love that is so integral to the structure of the song. I'm sure there's more!
And he was the only current member (if we discount Sr. Senior) to give Sturdy the light of day when writing the book (indeed, he provided a lot anecdotes and interesting thoughts on many of the more obscure songs). He edited a couple of the fanclub magazines towards the end too didn't he?
Plus he has acting chops as evidenced by his starring role in the This Is Hardcore promo. And he used to get the piss taken out of him by the rest of the band for sounding like a penguin when he talked.
And he's the nephew of Gordon Banks for chrissakes!
Ah yes, TIH. It's one of the best videos I've ever seen...yet the highlight remains Nick shaking his head in disbelief as the fight scene starts to escalate.
Very surreal stood next to him at the start of Jarvis's first solo gig in Sheffield. I was thinking Nick should be up there and I reckOn he thought the same!
I didn't realise until Reading/Leeds 2000 when they started changing the arrangements of some of the songs that the Bass drum on This Is Hardcore isn't played straight and either has an echo effect on it or he's doing that with his foot! Either way - its quite clever!
Big credit I think goes to him for not only Babies but all of Seperations - as he sat and programmed all of those drums before technology made it a fairly easy task & for the drum riff on Feeling Called Love that is so integral to the structure of the song. I'm sure there's more!
A lot of the commercial success Pulp had would have been down to his influence on the songs from 1993 onwards. I can't remember where I read it, but I believe he was a little disappointed that Pulp didn't continue on from Different Class in a similar vein and go on to more chart success. The yang to the yin of Jarvis.
-- Edited by ArrGee on Thursday 5th of April 2012 08:55:44 AM
Nice! Didn't realise that the pottery shop was built into the arches of the viaduct. Must be pretty small! Is that top window the place where they rehearsed and featured in the Common People doc? Makes sense that a fair few lyrics contain traintrack imagery;
''I remember we got stuck under a bridge, the kids were throwing stones at me and Nicky'', ''See the rainbow high above the viaduct... listening for the sound of the train that crosses the viaduct at four o'clock every morning'' etc.
My first trip to the UK was in 2010 - this was August 2010 that I visited Sheffield and Manchester..... Sheffield I actually liked better than Manchester.
Still, its one of those stupid things where I planned it and said to friends, I'm going to make them back together after Nick see's I have come all the way from Sydney....maybe he did see me in the bus station....lol. nah...
And yes it was featured in the Common People doco - they all rock up and Jarvis is standing in the door way....I had seen that before I got to Sheffield and thought imagine if Russell just rocks up -ehhh I'm dreaming here....