Does everyone's version cut off at the end? I'm about to try and do a patch on it, but thought I'd just check to see if there's a full version of it around anywhere...
It's funny this thread should come up. I tried to splice the 'Separations' version of DYWMA onto the end of the FON demo only last week. I'll email my one across to the 07 and 09 emails, too. I'm not sure if my one's any good, but I'll throw it out there just in case.
-- Edited by salmon92 on Sunday 19th of February 2012 03:36:09 PM
Hush, keep very still, for the strangest things are about to happen.
I like the segue. Good work! I think that, with any of these, the transition is never going to be as jarring as the original's cut-off, so they're all definitely a great improvement.
Yeah, tough crowd! We need the youth to come through, they're the next generation of Pulp champions that will badger Jarvis' archivists (his son?) long after he and we are dead and gone when Ken Patton, Fon and Wessex will all be labelled on official Pulp reissues.
could you possibly send me the original FON demo for this song? i really love demos and would love to hear it
Log into the forum's mail account: (password: jarvis2007), I'm pretty sure it's the one that works right now. You should find what you're looking for (and more) there !
Wow thanks guys, I didn't know that there was an email full of pulp.
Also yea I know I'm young but like I really like pulp, its helped me get through a lot. I love the way his music sounds and his weird "moves" on stage. oof
I cant get any girls, No one likes me, I'm a skinny bastard