(hi first time poster, long time pulp fan, live in nyc, went to london to see them at wireless festival with my best friend, stood for 10+ hours against the barricade, pulp is my fav, etc. etc.)
Were you at the barrier in the middle / left of the stage? I remember standing next to two Americans at the Wireless. Also welcome to the forum
Ticketmaster is just beyond corrupt. $14.95 service fee? And half the tickets somehow are immediately sold to scalper sites, like Ticketnow (which, surprise, surprise is owned by Ticketmaster) and might explain the scarcity of good seats. Wasn't scalping, like, illegal at some point? A mailing list pre-sale or something would be really nice, but oh well... also if you can't get any tickets now Craigslist is a little more reasonable, you'll usually find people stuck with extra tickets at the last minute and willing to part with them for face-value or close to it..
I will not be negative about this, I will not be negative about this......
Another impossibly fast sell-out....was it 2 minutes? I'm hoping the general sale won't be so ridiculous. When I bought tickets to the Brixton show I was able to get floor seats without much trouble, but that was on a different system than Ticketmaster. I now have mezzanine tickets to the NY show as a backup, but hopefully we can get better seats tomorrow morning
Checked out the second pre-sale to see if we could get better tickets than we got yesterday, and the best hit we got was first row of the 3rd mezz. Got some other hits for crappier mezz seats and some orchestra seats waaaay off to the side, but nothing better than our current seats (1st mezz row b near the middle and on the aisle). Will try again tomorrow for elusive double letter section 3/4/5 orchestra seats again tomorrow.
I think tomorrow is your best bet for double letter anyway because looking at scalper sites I'm not seeing an AAs available which makes me think that a lot are still available for general sale. Fingers crossed. I wish I could have the time to pick a section on Steve's side but I'm just going to go with best available and hope I get anything decent
The trees, those useless trees, produce the air that I am breathing
I'm trying to get three tickets (for me, my wife and a close friend/fellow Pulp obsessive) anywhere. No luck today. Should I keep trying or is it best to save my energy and steel my nerves for this time tomorrow?
I honestly wouldn't hold your breath for front row...I'm a photographer here in NYC and I shoot a lot of shows... At seated venues, very often the best seats front and center are reserved by "important people" and never even placed on sale. It's messed up, but it's the politics of music unfortunately. At least at GA venues, the VIP section is up in a balcony somewhere and not taking away the best spots from big fans.
Also on the conspiracy theorist end, I will never not be convinced that the scalpers have an "in" somewhere that allows them to poach off best seats...esp. since at least one of the major re-sellers is owned BY ticketmaster. How that is legal, I do not know.
Case in point- Someone I know just now mentioned online how a friend of theirs got 5th row middle orchestra seats today and the venue just called them and let them know that those seats had been released "accidentally" and they weren't supposed to have them and that they would have to be moved.