From a recent, and excellent, interview Morrissey says:
"I loved it when singers were so over-emotional that onlookers would feel slightly embarrassed or uncomfortable and then absolutely love it. You very rarely see moder singers or modern groups TAKING the audience SOMEWHERE. Emotionally, of course; I'm not talking in terms of local transport."
I think this could very well describe Jarvis onstage style and sums up an important reason I love Pulp/Jarvis. Although he can tend towards the overwrought at times I've been near people, including myself, who've clearly experienced these feelings. Very intense and honest performance style.
His effortless rapport with fans, the fact his lyrics are more interesting and that he writes his own music...
Actually, I wasn't being entirely serious when I posted that, I'd just come in from the pub. I quite like Moz. If only he'd lighten up a bit. Bit late now I suppose.
I was a huge Smiths/Morrissey fan (though I'm a bit reluctant to admit it here, given Pulp's dislike for them), but Morrissey's antics (searching fans for meat wtf, kicking the creator of morrissey-solo out of that show in Copenhagen, not treating his fans very well, etc.) have turned me off of him at the moment. I will always love the music, of course, but he's playing some shows in L.A. soon, and for the first time that I can remember, I'm not even going to bother going even though I'll be in town. I think he's entirely too self-involved to be jealous of Jarvis.
I like the moz. I like a lot of the Smiths material and his solo stuff. I don't agree with the majority of the things that he says or believes in, but at least he has an opinion and I respect that.
I remember reading this thread on a Moz site which says that they apparently shared a flight into Dublin on Aer Lingus and spoke a lot on the flight...
My views on Moz are probably much like Twiggy's but then it seems those kind of antics are part of the appeal for some of his fans. He's ok. Think they're very different.
Hmm... that link made me cry... notice how little Morrissey has been slagged off here compared to how much they lay into Jarvis on that thread, for what reason?
You'd think Morrissey fans would be used to and accept that not everyone likes his voice by now.
Also who was that dude suddenly stated 'End Of Thread'? How arrogant can you get?