I note that the 8/11/86 Leadmill gig - according to the wiki - comes with an encore including Little Girl and Maureen. Have these made it into circulation or not? My own copy of the recording lacks these...
Likewise the 28/3/85 recording at Hallamshire. I seem to lack the Will to Power, Simultaneous, Back in LA, and Life Must Be So Wonderful. I do note however that the wiki states 'most of the gig' is in circulation.
Can anyone help me out? As a Russell freak I'm obviously most keen on hearing Will, LA and Maureen...
The other tracks from the Hallamshire don't circulate. The original taper cut them out when he was trying to squeeze it onto a CDR with another gig, and it's from that CDR that all circulating copies come, as far as I know. Therefore the only place where those songs exist is on his master. Unless he made a more complete copy for someone else at some point.
"Yes I saw her in the chip shop / so I said get yer top off"
Unless it was for reasons of sound quality, those definitely wouldn't have been the songs that I'd have cut! Will to Power live or a bit of poetry by someone you've not heard of. Not a difficult choice...
Just thinking...if the reason the tracks aren't out there is due to reasons of space rather than to the chap not wanting the stuff to be in circulation, perhaps if we can trace how the CDR entered the Pulp trading tree, we could work out from who it came? And ask nicely...?
Personally, I got my copy from Soulseek. Can't remember who the user was, though...