I found another candidate for the concrete channel from the beginning of Wickerman. None of them are 'just behind the Station' and all are 'before you reach the traffic Island'! Which one should I use. Oh, the weight of expectation and responsibility is crushing.
Hi, I've been lurking around here for a while, I used to have an account on the older version of this forum.
Having read this thread, if you're after images of the river underground and a few sites, you might want to take a look at this urban explorer website: 28 Days Later forum
There's some huge drainage system running under Sheffield (dubbed the megatron) which people often wander down to take pictures of,
Just search for Sheffield for some interesting views or Megatron for the huge underground drains.. not sure if it's really what you're after for this video, but it might help :)
-- Edited by blueowl0708 on Thursday 15th of September 2011 11:29:29 PM
I found another candidate for the concrete channel from the beginning of Wickerman. None of them are 'just behind the Station' and all are 'before you reach the traffic Island'! Which one should I use. Oh, the weight of expectation and responsibility is crushing.
Pulpwiki claims that it's the one at Pond Hill, but to be fair it doesn't support the claim. From the sky it appears to be nestled inbetween the station and traffic island. Where's the alternative candidate?
Oh there's several. The river does run through a concrete culvert at the end of Queens Road before a traffic island, on Suffolk road it runs through a narrow concrete channel but in front of the station and not near any particular traffic island and in the Pond Hill candidate the photo is facing the worng way; there is a concrete channel at the other end of the exposed section of river (currently undergoing some intense building work. Cue amused glances from Sheffield workmen as I appear to photograph them yesterday) but once again in front of the station and quite a way from the huge traffic island. My personal fave is the culvert at Queens road. It has been built up somewhat recently and the traffic island there has been replaced. So...take yer pick! I know about megatron, the issue is that that section of tunnel does not correspond to anywhere in the song geographically. Also, we're talikng about two different rivers here in these concrete channels and in fact there are five rivers in Sheffield all of which conflate to become one river in the song.
-- Edited by saw119 on Friday 16th of September 2011 08:59:54 AM
-- Edited by saw119 on Friday 16th of September 2011 09:00:25 AM
-- Edited by saw119 on Friday 16th of September 2011 09:01:09 AM
-- Edited by saw119 on Friday 16th of September 2011 09:01:31 AM
The Queen's Road one looks pretty good. From space, anyway. It's a lengthier stretch and perhaps more worthy of a visit by the narrator in the song. Also, maybe saying it was "after the Leadmill" refers to its proximity to the venue rather than being a reference to an event that happened there - an early Pulp gig, for example. The more you think about it, the more likely Queen's seems.
-- Edited by superchob on Friday 16th of September 2011 01:43:17 PM
Queens Road was the one I had in my head from the moment I first heard the song. It's almost romantic walking down there! I have now taken just over 300 photos and still have plenty more to go. Was checking out the Don at the Wicker today, walking under railway viaducts; it smelt bad and it was slightly spooky at times.
I've just looked up little mesters, you presumably know this but I never realised it was a cutlery maker from Sheffield! I never thought that much about it but I think I assumed it was some sort of old fashioned way of describing bubbling water or something. Are you doing a photo specific to that line?
Yes I did know about little mesters fred and I am curently trying to work out how best to illustrate them. They were independant cutlery artisans, there still are some. it supposedly comes from the fact that they were both masters and men at the same time. I could use a painting or a photograph? There used to be a pub in Sheffield called Little Mesters but long since gone and sadly cant find a picture of either it or its sign. As much as possible blueowl I'm trying to use pics that only I have taken. I am, however, now thinking about mixing in some vintage shots as well as my modern ones. I will include plenty of pics of dirty brickwork conduits don't worry. I want it to be a representation of the song but I don't think I want it to be ultra literal, I want it to have an element of Art to it not just a series of photos of locations. If anyone has any suggestions please put them forward but I reserve to right to do it my way. I have started animating it now with the music, I think it looks rather good so far.
Saw, that last post fills me with the utmost confidence that you can do this job justice. You are now officially my second favourite Sheffielder (Sheffieldian?).
I didn't mean to sound funny blueowl, not at all so I apologise if I did. Those guys in Meadowhall are smelters rather than Little Mesters. Little Mesters worked on their own with finished steel and made wonderful items of cutlery, knives etc.
Just been looking at the comments about the song on songmeanings http://www.songmeanings.net/m/song/3530822107858515773/ I found it quite interesting, don't know if any of it is news to you Saw...