Sorry I dont have the Jarvis solo albums so didnt want to include them. I know they are not as good as the Pulp albums though, so you can add them at the end with your ratings if you like.
Well Ive heard bits and pieces of all of them online and they were ok but not on the level of Pulp. I'll listen to them all a few times on Spotify and edit my post afterwards then
1. This Is Hardcore 2. Different Class 3. His N Hers 4. Intro 5. Separations 6. We Love Life 7. It 8. Freaks 9. Masters Of The Universe 10. The Jarvis Cocker Record 11. "Further Complications" 12. A Heavy Nite With Relaxed Muscle
Ok, I felt the time was about right to register my list.
1 Intro 2 His n hers 3 We Love Life 4 Separations 5 This Is Hardcore 6 "Further Complications" 7 Relaxed Muscle 8 Different Class 9 The Jarvis Cocker Record 10 Masters of the Universe 11 Freaks 12 It
Honourable Mentions - I might note that if the bonus discs of the deluxe editions had been valid contenders then the His n Hers bonus disc would be in 2nd place on that list. I also realised that just because the early stuff is at the bottom it doesn't mean I don't like it I just don't listen to it.
Why do people hate on Intro? I think it's absolutely brilliant. It seems to consistantly come in the second half of peoples charts. It's beyond me (shakes head and walks away).
Well it's a tough start with Space, taking half an hour to reach a bad joke followed by a bit of (admittedly brilliant) music, Babies is on HnH, S:SC goes on a bit, IS:ASITP is only 2/3 brilliant 1/3 a cat being strangled. That only leaves you with 5 songs. Barely an album.
After I wrote my post I thought about it and...Intro was the second most popular album for Pulp songs on the recent reunion tour (I Think?). 5 of the 9 tracks were played on the tour. in this poll Intro was my number one. I had to choose it because when I got into Pulp Lipgloss had just come out so the first album I bought by them was Intro. There simply weren't any other options, all I could do was listen to it over and over again. I sometimes try and work out how many times I've heard O.U.; I think it must be in the thousands but it's never enough!
Am I alone in thinking that Razzmatazz is better played live - I really like it but I always expect it to be faster than it is and so whenever I hear it it feels a bit like it is dragging
Hmmm, I disagree slightly. I always felt that Razzamtazz was quite clumsy live, certainly when Russell was playing it alone. Bless him that slide guitar part defeats him every time. I also think it misses the echoey piano part in the intro which is often replaced by bass guitar live. Same with Lipgloss, always seemed to cause problems live, but then again that song does have magic in it's DNA.
Am I alone in thinking that Razzmatazz is better played live - I really like it but I always expect it to be faster than it is and so whenever I hear it it feels a bit like it is dragging
I read that as you contradicting yourself. You prefer the live versions even though it sounds like it drags?
I agree about the dragging it out live, (with crowd participation handclaps at the Pulp shows I saw this summer) and I far prefer the energy of the recorded version. To which producer Phil Vinal contributed considerably (taking Ed Buller's original couple of goes at producing the song before doing it himself and remixing Razzmatazz).
I wonder why Pulp didn't do more recordings with him. His'n'Hers might have had less reverb...Luke Haines, ever the curmudgeon, mentioned in his Britpop memoir how annoyed he was that ''his producer'', Vinall, had worked with Pulp and helped make a great record in Razzmatazz.
-- Edited by Eamonn on Tuesday 8th of November 2011 01:23:43 AM
After I wrote my post I thought about it and...Intro was the second most popular album for Pulp songs on the recent reunion tour (I Think?). 5 of the 9 tracks were played on the tour.
Four wasn't it? OU, Babies, Razzmatazz and Sheffield Shag City.