I'll most likely be wearing a blue dress.. I should have an I'm Common badge on as well.. see you at Canterbury Arms, then? I want to queue earlyish. when do doors open?
I'll be with my tall, skinny bespectacled Geography professor husband. I have blonde hair in a short bob and wear glasses. I'll be wearing a black dress with a Mexican print. Any suggestions for afterwards?
Her house was very small with woodchip on the wall
Anybody doing similar for 2nd night? I'm not sure what time I will get into London but I'm in no rush to get in the gig early as it's far too expensive and kinda locked in so can't smoke!
Anyone wishing meeting up tonight I'll be in the pub from 5pm, but will be leaving a bit earlier tonight to get a good spot. I'll be wearing blue jeans and a light blue t-shirt, hope to see some of you there.
It was great to meet a few more of you last night, all very nice people and helped make for a special night.
First time posting on here, really looking forward to tonight. heading for the Canterbury to meet friends who are driving up, so if you see a rapidly middle ageing man in a flowery shirt, that'll be me.
I'll be there about 8ish, milling around. Not going to get there early because I have some things to do (and I shouldn't really even be on here right now!), want to be able to smoke (like weed...that's the forum member...not the substance. Just tobacco for me), and am also not keen on standing through Baxter Dury again personally.