Do you think they played "Like a Friend" because of Gwyneth Paltrow?
-- Edited by SarahAWilson on Sunday 26th of June 2011 08:31:47 PM
Jarvis said something on the lines of that the song was a B-side and also that Mark had pointed it out to Jarvis that it was also from a not very good American film that Gwyneth Paltrow was in and that she might be here because Coldplay are playing aren't they?... To which there was no response to the crowd and Jarvis said something cheekily like "Oh, nobody seems to be bothered about Coldplay then... I'll just have to come up with my own stuff to say between songs from now on! It was Mark who told me to say it!"
My friend was at this.argrrhhghghghghghghg. I'm SO jealous. SO. SO. SO. Jealous.
Also the crowd look great- i'm kinda not looking forward to Wireless cause I know that I'll end up getting pretty much crushed throughout the whole 90 minutes if I'm right at the front, like I was at Blur.
Agreed. Blur at Glastonbury. I was third/fourth row, in with a lovely crowd and, although absolutely squished, a lovely atmosphere was enjoyed.
Blur at Hyde Park. Got covered in piss twice and couldn't hear obscurities like...Coffee and TV. Or Girls and Boys. Due to people chatting away. I was many rows back.
Although Pulp might play a better setlist at Hyde Park, I can't imagine it'll be a better gig than Glastonbury. You could see how important it was to them. Mark and Candida could hardly stop smiling throughout and, during the previous band, both Steve and Russell kept appearing in order to gaze at the enormous crowd that had already gathered by this time.
Oh, and bbbbtw, I somehow managed to get hold of Jarvis' handwritten copy of the "if you want something hard enough, it will happen..." speech. Unbelieveable! I'll scan it and some point and link to it on here.
Final point to say is that, I didn't imagine that I'd be watching Pulp, in 2011, playing to so many people who were so excited about it. I also didn't expect to have Cheryl Cheung - also of this parish, and Lipgloss - pressed into my back throughout. It's nice when you know people behind you at gigs - they try their hardest not to hurt you. Hurrah! Cheryl, if you're reading, it was a pleasure sharing the gig with you and the others around us.
Which part of yahoo does one go to to access the lovely links that have been provided here? I've logged in with name and password, but can't find any files...!
Just listening to the ripped Mis-Shapes. Cheers for that!
For those fact fans who might be interested, this was one that both Mark and Russell played guitar on. Russell played the lovely opening riff (that continued throughout the song) but, oddly, it was Mark who played the solo!
Was on the fence, slightly left of stage centre but still right in front of Jarvis.
Mindblowing, one of the best gigs I've ever been to and something I will never forget. Was in the same spot for Radiohead the previous day who are actually my favourite band, but Pulp blew them and everyone else away.
I had said to someone stood next to me that I was desperate to hear Like A Friend played live but looking at previous setlists I thought there was no chance of actually hearing it. When it came it was even more brilliant than I had been imagining it. The setlist was perfect - yes it was only 14 songs but I couldn't have thought of a better set of 14 songs to play. Every song I was desperate to hear they played, though obviously missing countless others out that I would love to hear.
Really great to see their set get so many platitutudes too. I think the brilliance of their set was universal, and not just from those, like me, who don't remember the first time and who have been waiting more than eight years to hear songs we love.
Do you think they played "Like a Friend" because of Gwyneth Paltrow?
-- Edited by SarahAWilson on Sunday 26th of June 2011 08:31:47 PM
Jarvis said something on the lines of that the song was a B-side and also that Mark had pointed it out to Jarvis that it was also from a not very good American film that Gwyneth Paltrow was in and that she might be here because Coldplay are playing aren't they?... To which there was no response to the crowd and Jarvis said something cheekily like "Oh, nobody seems to be bothered about Coldplay then... I'll just have to come up with my own stuff to say between songs from now on! It was Mark who told me to say it!"
Full review please. Don't be lazy. Ta.
I'd love to but my very poor memory is letting me down. I'll give it a go later on.
The setlist reminded me of Dylan in a way. You think you've had an amazing night, yet looking at the setlists pre and post your gig, you see an equally amazing night made up of entirely different songs!
I would never have expected Like a Friend in a million years. I do disagree with the other poster, though - I thought it was a really good version. One of my friends hadn't been impressed by it on record, but thought it sounded wonderful live! I think Jarvis got about 90% of the words right, also. It's a difficult song to remember! To say they didn't get "a single lyric or note right" is a bit silly, I think.
I was sort of in shock for the first fifteen mins or so, then they did Disco 2000 and I felt sixteen again. Cried like a big girl to Something Changes, it was our wedding song and my wife had to miss Glasto due to having our baby. They looked to be really enjoying it and the banter between songs was emotional, funny and poignant. Only downside was I could only see Jarvis and Russell (and Mark occasionally), but then again we had enough room to dance, which can't have been easy in that crowd. Roll on Wireless now!
Stephen, I'm pretty sure Mark always did the solo on 'Mishapes'. I seem to remember that on the FEELING CALLED LIVE vid Jarvis went over and leaned on Mark during it.
It appears that I can remember a little more than I originally thought after all. Here it goes: (Apologies for the long post!)
On the Saturday morning of Glastonbury I took a quick look on the world wide web using my iPhone and discovered Pulp had been announced as special guests on The Park Stage. I immediately said out loud, Oh Fuck. We were already 99% certain this was happening and now it had been officially announced there was a good chance we would be turned away as the Park area would have to be closed off at some point as masses of people piled in. So we decided to get there early. At 3pm we had climbed the hill which overlooks the stage. All of us resting our weary legs and having an afternoon chill out to the sound of Graham Coxon from the stage below. It had been very muddy and we were all very tired from unsticking ourselves with every step we took.
At 5:30pm, feeling a little bit more rested we strolled back down the hill and fed ourselves before taking up position to wait for Pulp to arrive. Slightly paranoid it was going to go crazy when the band came on stage (as I get claustrophobic in big crowds and I just dont think my body could have coped!) we held out well. The sun was shining directly into our faces from right above the stage and I was concerned not only because of the potential sun stroke I was now feeling but also because you could not see the stage at all for it!
At 7.45pm and bang on time, as if Jarvis had planned it himself (a bit like the sun shining through The Box Tunnel on Brunnels birthday) the sun dipped behind the stage and Shlomo appeared to introduce the band. The crowd went wild. To my relief it was a polite and respectful wild not a lets all trample that tall man into the mud and make him cry wild.
The band appeared and Jarvis shouted Surprise! You didnt really believe we would let you down, do you? before launching into, Do You Remember The First Time?. Everybody, and I mean everybody sang along to every word. I looked behind me and noticed the size of the crowd. It went far back past the top of the hill where we had been sitting chilling on the grass earlier. I had been fortunate enough to be in the right place at the right time for Radioheads secret appearance on this stage last year and at the time thought that had been a sizable crowd but evidently not. There were thousands of people here for the same reason as I. Admittedly Radioheads appearance at last years festival was a much better kept secret.
Already well acquainted with spoilers and Pulps festival setlist for 2011 I was greatly excited when the second song of the show Joyriders began. Ahhh! Its different They are playing an entirely different set! I claimed to my companions who really didnt care as they are not nearly as much of a geek as me.
Much of what Jarvis said onstage and exactly what was played has since merged into one big mushy pulp in my head so I have taken a look at the set list and looked at some footage on YouTube so I can at least turn this mush into a more consumable pulp smoothie which I can document below:
The third song in the set was Razzmatazz they played it in a different arrangement as usual. Jarvis encouraged everyone to clap along to the chopping guitar chords which built into an Altogether now style chorus. So how much of a surprise was it really? Jarvis asked. Are there any really disappointed Killers fans here because they were the other rumours werent they?
Roughly around the time Acrylic Afternoons pockets of the crowd began to chant Jarvis name, The name of the band is Pulp Lets remember that! and the chanting was hastily changed to Pulp now with most of the crowd joining in!
Jarvis asked the crowd who had been present in 1994, then 1995 and 1998. Some had been able to reply positively but for the vast majority it was a Pulp at Glastonbury first time. A little later Jarvis was holding his beautiful 12 string acoustic talking about how since they played here in 1995 they have gone on a journey and now here they are back home. I said to myself out loud, Go on then play Something Changed. and when Jarvis announced the title of the next song everyone in front of me looked around to put a face to the incredible telepathic man. Come on though, that was an easy guess! If I am familiar with a band I find it easy to guess what song is up next just from the noises the band make in-between and theres no band I am more familiar with than this one so was able to pre-empt almost the entire set this way. Dont tell me you havent done it before! I kept most of my guessing game to myself as I thought it could get a bit irritating for the people around me if I kept it up!
During Disco 2000 Jarvis jumped off a speaker and tumbled to the floor! It was rather funny! Thats how they taught me to do it in the commandos. He said, Drop and roll, drop and roll.
The smart jacket and tie had already come off as it was so hot. Luckily as his shirt was now covered in watery mud and dust! This is going to be like a very long and boring strip tease!
Im sure Sorted For Es and Wizz nearly fell apart near the end of the second verse but luckily kicked back in touch for the chorus. So if a radio broadcast of the entire show ever finally airs (fingers crossed) Id expect this one may be left out! There were BBC 6Music roadies on stage setting up before hand and a big BBC truck beside the stage so I guessed they were recording and later on discovered they had broadcast a few single tracks.
Like A Friend was preceded with a long intro from Jarvis. The first time we played Sorted For Es & Wizz was here, so now heres something else we have never played before. Dont worry though, its not difficult new material. He then explained that they had never played Like A Friend live before, Not because we didnt want to, just because we never got it together as a band to get it done. He pointed out that it was a B-side and also on a quite bad American Film which Gwyneth Paltrow was in and maybe she is here cos Coldplay are playing tonight arent they?! Little to no response from the crowd. Oh, nobody seems to be that bothered about Coldplay then. Mark told me to say that! He turned to Mark who was laughing, maybe I should just decide myself what I should say onstage from now on! OK, lets give this a go then. Just about to strum the first chord he stops and says, I really am shitting myelf!
It went well I think. I thought they may have lost the crowd now with a quiet song but when it kicked into the loud bit Everyone started dancing and clapping along again. I thought to myself that this second half of the song sounds very stereotypically Pulp and that maybe why it did go down rather well in the end. Russell had quietly slipped away for this song but obviously returned for the next Babies. I think Jarvis said at this point From a song we never played he to one we have played every time Which would be inaccurate so maybe he didnt say exactly those words or he said something to that affect at a different point in the set. I cant remember!
Mis-Shapes was broadcast on 6music and kindly ripped and posted in the yahoo account so you can hear how awesome it sounded. The audience responded particularly well to it. Everyone just put their hands up at the right time!
An unexpected twist was next with one of my favourite hang on Im not sure I have a set of favourite Pulp songs so - I guess its one of my most listened to Pulp songs, Live Bed Show. I held my breath at the end to see if it was going to turn out to be the extended version. It wasnt but that was fine as time was running out and there was still important business to be done!
This Is Hardcore sounded even more immense and outstanding than I remember from last time I heard it live, helped along by Jarvis banging a big drum at the back of the stage in time with Nicks bass drum. Another nice thing happened during Sunrise; the sun which had lowered with such perfect timing earlier appeared much softer and more beautiful at the side of the stage. Very fitting, Ill see you at about 4am at the Stone Circle said Jarvis. No chance. Ill be comatosed by then I thought to myself Looking back what I was actually doing at 4am was posting on this very forum trying to express my post excitement of seeing Pulp live again after a long wait! I expressed excitement not via words but by an amazing over use of exclamation marks!!!!!
Finally Common People well.. What would you expect to happen?! Everyone went mad. Everyone sang along. Before they started Jarvis recreated his speech from 1995 and I realised what I had witnessed here and expressed how much this show meant to the band.
We stayed at the stage to collect ourselves afterwards. I had completely lost my voice by this stage! It still hasnt come back fully even as I write this.
Roughly around the time Acrylic Afternoons pockets of the crowd began to chant Jarvis name, The name of the band is Pulp Lets remember that! and the chanting was hastily changed to Pulp now with most of the crowd joining in!
did Jarvis say that (''The name of the band is Pulp...'') or are/were they your thoughts? Kinda cool if it was the former.
Thanks for a great review. I teared up reading it and fully expect to do so again when I'm actually there on Sunday seeing them for the first time live.
Her house was very small with woodchip on the wall
Ahh... That's nice Deborah. My name features in the lyric of Disco 2000 too y'know! Apparently I thought "you were the best!".
All the punctuation doesn't see to have come out of the Copy & paste. I used to Word to write that. Hopefully it still reads ok. Much of it should have quotation marks from Jarvis' speeches.