What I mean is - are there Pulp songs you used to hate but now like and vice versa?
I've noticed that there are quite a few recently. For example, I used to detest "TV Movie" but now I like it (it definitely sounds better within the context of the album rather than on its own and I think it is well placed after "This is Hardcore").
Also, I used to think "Wickerman" was fantastic but now it just seems to drag on a bit. Also, I used to overlook "Glory Days" in favour of "Cocaine Socialism" but now that's the other way round.
With regards to the earlier stuff, I used to love "Everybody's Problem" but now I think it's pretty naff (do people use that word nowadays?) and I wasn't keen on "What Do You Say" but now I like it.
It would be nice to hear peoples' similar experiences like this.
I used to be slightly indifferent to Feeling called love, until I heard the updated version they played from 2000 onward. Now I can't get enough of it!
I used to think Common People was crass & pop-py, saved only by a good (not great) lyric. Now I love the whole thing of it, as it seems to encapsulate the ninties as an historical document. & the way it so much outclasses Bluroasis....
I used to really find 'Looking for Life' intriguing and trance-inducing. Now, I just find it a bit too much and carried out for way too long. It puts me to sleep.
I think back when I was doing the book, I perhaps went overboard on the idea of re-evaluating every single thing Pulp did in the 1980s as an unappreciated work of genius. Sure, some of it is very good and the whole arc of how they changed and developed over time is fascinating, but these days I'm a bit more comfortable in admitting that a lot of it is pretty hopeless!
(You can probably also tell that I wrote the mid / late '90s section of the book quite a long time after certain parts of the '80s section, and by the time I got round to that bit I'd developed more of a critical view... hence the possibly misleading impression given that I think Freaks is a better record than This Is Hardcore)
"Yes I saw her in the chip shop / so I said get yer top off"
My first listen to Freaks found me going WTF since I sought it out after hearing the later catalog. I still don't love all of it, but find myself going back to I Want You, There's No Emotion, They Suffocate at Night and Life Must Be So Wonderful.
Sylvia is probably the one song I hated, hated, hated and then changed my mind on. It always seemed so out of place on the album to me, but after seeing the live performance on The Park is Mine I really grew to love it.
As to Silence, well, I do like to play it in the car sometimes and shout along, particularly if I'm in a black mood. It's a crap song (IMHO) in every possible way, but like a car crash you can't help looking at there's also something weirdly voyeuristic in listening to it.
My opinion has definitely changed. At first I was more into WLL than into the other albums and I thought that one was their best. But, nowadays I'm a massive devote of TIH and I don't even listen to WLL that often anymore.
Songwise? I have to agree with Ian. Wickerman, allthough my name on here, goes on and on and on. And Glory Days outranks Cocaļne Socialism in my opinion, whereas this was the other way around a few years ago.
This is the sound of someone losing the plot, making out that they are okay when they are not. You're gonna like it, but not a lot.