don't get me wrong I love Different Class and his n hers but I never understood why there never any mention for Seperations? Great music style and lyrics
You won't get much argument from me. It's definitely the first album where Jarvis and everyone come into their own; well, except for maybe poor Nick, who had to program most of his drums. (It makes sense for side 2, but the side 1 songs would've been fine with actual drums. Supposedly there wasn't enough time.)
Separations is really worth it for "My Legendary Girlfriend," of course, their first masterpiece!
Love Is Blind and Don't You Want me Anymore? are my favourite. Perfect anthems for a broken hearted girl moving back to your home town. Great album indeed.
-- Edited by The Legendary Girlfriend of Troy Truelane on Wednesday 30th of June 2010 07:26:59 AM
"I like the idea of being a Sheffield Wu-Tang. Especially if I can be Ol' Dirty Bastard."- Jarvis Cocker
I think it is very good but the only flaws are the obviously low budget ("She's Dead"...) and the number of tracks; they should have stuck "Death Comes To Town" and "Rattlesnakes" on there too and it would have been better.
I may well be wrong but I think 'Death Comes To Town' came along later than the album was recorded. Remember Fire sat on this record for years before they finally decided to release it.
"Death Comes to Town", "Rattlesnake" and an earlier version of "Don't You Want Me Anymore?" were recorded in 1987 and the "Separations" LP tracks along with those nasty remixes of "This House is Condemned" were recorded in 1989.