I was going to continue seeding, but I have just bought a new expansion hard drive, moved the DVD files onto it, but now I can't work out how to let Vuze know where the files are to continue seeding! Can anyone shed any light...?
Would anyone be willing to burn the Eden Project and this DVD for me? I can send them DVDs to cover. Its taking so long to download - I guess being so far away in Australia........or its because we're upside down?
I can send you Jarvis guest programming Rage from 2007 - thats kind of cool.
First of all, I would like to say thank you to Pip for doing such a great job with his production firm Fuss Free productions. Hope there will be much more releases because we need something to remember us of the good old days.
Now to the point, can somebody please seed me and a couple of people are stuck at 99.9%, were missing only one 2MB part, so if somebody can seed for just a little bit I would be very grateful.
Someone please please help? Torrent or rapidshare or megaupload. Whatever it takes. Please?
I can seed. Tomorrow, when I'll find my DVD.
Thank you but I can't even download the torrent file, not to mention the torrent content. If you want to help, maybe you will have to create a new torrent or upload to a live host.
My Utorrent has gone totally tits up. I'm going to try unistalling and then reinstalling, but if that fails could someone do us a burn if I send them the DVDs?
I *really* should get the contents of your tapes safely onto DVD and send them back to you, it's been far too long... about time we had another Fuss Free Production!