I started a Pulp thread on a music forum of anothye Message board I post on, Cookd and Bombd (started off as a Chris Morris fansite, then expanded) and the feedback I've been getting is that one of the postees all time favourite tracks is Wishful Thinking particularly the original Peel session version. I have to admit, the first time I heard that tune, it completely broke my heart, I thought it was so beautiful, even though, I think, that song is actually older than I am! :o)
Pulp's whole early-80's catalogue deserves more appreciation. I think most people take for granted that Pulp's pre-Island material was bad because the band themselves have been quite negative about it. But then, we all know Jarvis has a poor grasp of his own strengths.
My favourite songs from that era were the much-maligned "Everybody's Problem" and it's b-side "There Was". "Joking Aside" and "Turkey Mambo Momma" deserve more appreciation as well.
Pulp's 80's back catalogue has some epic songs - if anything I prefer the darkest days of Pulp compared to the modern
My Lighthouse, Wishful Thinking, Blue G|irls, Fairground, Dogs Are Everywhere, Little Girl With Blue Eyes, Master Of The Universe, They Suffocate At Night, Life Must Be So Wonderful, Dont You Know?, Shes Dead, Dont you Want Me Anymore, Death Comes To Town, Rattlesnakes omg need I go on?
Alot of the songs I just mentioned are knocking around on live bootlegs, and you can just hear how much of a raw sound Pulp were to appriciate. I mean ive got a recording of Little Girl With Blue Eyes live from a concert where they were playing in a tiny pub venue, and at the end of the song, you can hear the barstaff ringing the bell to call for last orders !! (well ii think it was end of little girl) Such a simplistic gig it was too......A keyboard, rhythm guitar, bass guitar, violin, another electric guitar, and drums. None of this bollocks that we have today, it was raw instrument heaven. Fantastic gig, especially to hear some things like Didnt Feel A Thing, and crowd screaming for 97 Lovers.....gem!