Yeah, exponent wasn't the right word was it?! Serves me right for trying to be clever. I know Jarvis has quoted Russell a few times when journalists ask him abut his (Pulp, Jarvis') own music. And if memory serves did he once say ''I'd rather suck off a dog's knob than listen to my own music'' before?!
Even when he went solo he seemed uneasy ''It's like, so low, how low can you go?''
I know Jarvis has quoted Russell a few times when journalists ask him abut his (Pulp, Jarvis') own music. And if memory serves did he once say ''I'd rather suck off a dog's knob than listen to my own music'' before?!
what?? Also, has Russell ever expressed his opinion of TIH or WLL?
He clearly doesn't mind 'Sunrise' though, or at least not the anthemic bit. Oh yes, and he did come out to play violin on Wickerman on the 2nd Brixton night, so I presume he's ok with that song too...?
I suppose, generally, if it's good guitar pop, then Russell's probably ok with it. I'd like to imagine he's ok with the song TIH, as he does - after all - play on I Spy (and always looked like he was enjoying it).
I think it's probably safe to assume that, if it plods, he probably doesn't like it.