A website with the chords for a lot of Pulp songs, run by a one-time contributor on here, 'pulptabs' I think, seems to have died - it would be great if someone of good musical ability (of which there seems to be a fair few among us) had a go at even sketching out the chords to the 'new' demos from the reissues and Jarvis' solo album - it's been over a year now since they came out. Someone must have had a stab at some of the songs with their Farfisas or Fenders by now (oh - alliteration; suit you sir).
I know a lot of guitar tab sites have been taken down over the last year or two due to copyright laws; but I can't imagine Universal getting uppity about a few geeks scribbling up a rough melody guide to We Can Dance Again on the internet. Amy's rehab bill is probably keeping them busy enough these days.
Any takers?
*I've just realised that I've reached 'Different Class' status on my post count. Don't know if I should be proud or ashamed. I'm obviously still searching for some kind of life with the edges taken off...
I found the chords to 'don't let him waste your time' and 'tonite' somewhere. It was ages ago, so i don't remember where, but they are out there, I promise.
'Fat children' has some weird alternate tuning going on there, great song though.
is that the 'albert tuning' (see below)? i've wondered about which songs had that tuning, but i couldn't bring myself to detune my guitar to figure it out. i don't think i live for my art! :(
Le Jarv: "I also wondered what impact having a kid would have, you know, that famous cliché, the pram in the hall is the death of creativity But it was the opposite. On a very practical level, Albert helped me, because I bought him a kid's guitar when he was only about six months old. I tuned it for him and then he broke my guitar - which I could have seen as a very symbolic act and I had to start using this kid's guitar. And then he detuned the G string to F-sharp and that became the tuning to which I wrote about five songs. It became known as the Albert tuning."
Yep, it probably is by the sounds alectrona7, G string down half a tone then take it from there. The guitar chords have got a strange drone to them (to my ears) which suggests an alternate tuning...perhaps it is the Albert.
Am using the Albert tuning, but still can't work it out! Then again, I'm not in a position to play along to the record right now so I'm working from memory! I think the begining might be an open bar with the Albert tuning? Will see if I can find some good guitar shots on Youtube a bit later, that might help!
James, thanks a lot for the We Can dance Again transcription '- absoloutely spot on. Im only going to pester you for more now but if you, or anyone could give a go at I Will Kill Again twould be great. If i had the chords I could give that a go on the piano.
That pulptabs site has re-appeared oddly...or maybe it never went away. And We Can Dance Again is on it though I don't remember it being there before. Did the person who runs it take the chords from James' post here I wonder?
pulptabs has never disappeared... but like many geocities hosted pages, it is often down for various reasons... we can dance again has been on the site since august 2004 (i'm the one who tabbed and sent it ) i was in touch which simon (pulptabs' webmaster) through the years 2003-2004... he had quite a lot of the late songs tabbed online and we decided to work through the four first albums together (they might not be 100% accurate, but hey...) i haven't heard from him since 'we can dance again', but i've been working on songs from the reissue albums... so if he ever comes back around here and reads this, i'd be happy to start tabbing again !
People used to keep asking me to put tabs on the site. I don't actually know what guitar tabs are *for*, never having tried to play said instrument, so I can't vouch for how accurate or useful they are, and I wasn't sure how they should be formatted or what extra information anyone might need to get use out of them, so I always shied away a bit for that reason.
Anyway, straw poll time: is this something people want to see? If so, I'd be glad to include the tabs when the site finally goes live (latest ETA on that is after my exams in July, by the way. July two thousand and eight. Jesus.) Actually, if Mr Pulptabs is reading, I have a lot of webspace doing absolutely nothing at the moment, I'd be perfectly happy to host the pulptabs stuff up here as a separate site from the main page right now?
I'm sure you can all work out what goes in where... As for tabs on the site, it'd be good because a lot of us play & when we help each other out with tabs, chords & the like, they wouldn't get lost at the bottom of an old long forgotten thread!
Hi, I haven't posted on this site for quite some time and I thought maybe my site had been deleted or disappeared. Anyway I found the site again if anyone is interested. Not sure if I can still edit it using geocities, but if you have any chords or tablatures you can email me pulptabs@yahoo.com
this is the new address, I only just stumbled upon it...
I have managed to to edit some of the tablatures and have accessed the file manager today. So if people are still interested they can send the chords or tablatures that are incorrect or not on the site to my email above. I will host them on the site.
-- Edited by pulp_tabs on Friday 4th of February 2011 09:26:24 PM